kliment / Printrun

Pronterface, Pronsole, and Printcore - Pure Python 3d printing host software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems if try to print a file, just after print the previous one #1421

Open Escrich opened 2 months ago

Escrich commented 2 months ago

Dear all, first of all congratulations by create Pronterface, I'm using it from years ago, and I love it.

This time I have an old issue, happening at least on versions from last three years I bet, the problem arises when you print a common gcode, in my case always generated by Prusa slicer, and just, after finish the print, made from Pronterface, (I use Pronterface to avoid using the SD card), then, just if you finish to print a part, you simply load another file on Pronterface, and click on print button, instead to print, you only get a stream of text showing you error after error, in the last three years, my procedure is so simple, I simply click on disconnect, then in connect, again, ant this manoeuvre generates a reset on my Prusa original Mk3s printer, then you can print the same gcode that was "generating" errors, without any problem, but always you need to make a reset in between files, now I'm using latest Pronterface versión, but I can get same behaviour in both versions you could see in the attached pictures:

Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-04-08 a las 21 55 09_b1c091d3

Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-04-08 a las 21 54 40_212116f5

rockstorm101 commented 2 months ago

Dear all, first of all congratulations by create Pronterface, I'm using it from years ago, and I love it.

Glad you like it, thanks a lot.

[...] just if you finish to print a part, you simply load another file on Pronterface, and click on print button, instead to print, you only get a stream of text showing you error after error [...]

Could you please paste some of those errors? Also, what's your OS?

Escrich commented 2 months ago

Sorry, for the late answer, I found your message just now, OS is Windows 10, I was sending this gcode now: 20240415 Prusa MK3s Marca de centro_0.2mm_PETG_MK3S_1m.gcode.zip

Normal status printing the first file after reset or connect: image

Status once printed: Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-04-15 a las 20 56 00_9f94c48b

Behaviour once printed the first file, and trying to print the second once finished the first, simply after click on print button again: image

The messages on Pronterface are scrolling, showing same kind of error, at end nothing happens, the heating don't start, and the printer still shows the text "Finished print!"

DivingDuck commented 2 months ago

Hi, can you please check this version of Pronterface whether the problem still exist: https://github.com/kliment/Printrun/actions/runs/8681026406 This is the latest development version. Best regards, DD

DivingDuck commented 2 months ago

I can confirm this error. During my test I was able to see this as well for Smoothieware and an old Marlin version for both printing direct with Printrun and via SD card. It looks like Pronterface do not clear the buffer when it finish or cancel a print.

I haven't a solution for now. @rockstorm101, any idea's?

rockstorm101 commented 2 months ago

Hi, sorry for the delayed response, I'm abroad these months so I can't really test for myself with a physical printer. I'm not able to reproduce this at the moment. Those errors sound familiar though, see #1341. It's an error sent from the firmware, hence why it can't be reproduced with a mock-up printer I guess.

Could you go in verbose mode and check that the "M110 N-1" command is being sent and received ok when the print starts and finishes?

DivingDuck commented 2 months ago

Hi, no problem. This was the issue I was searching for. I will look on this as soon I find a little bit time this week.