kmaximv / Wi-Fi-Sensor

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enhancement - emoncms and grafana support ?!!! #31

Open yo8aiv opened 7 years ago

yo8aiv commented 7 years ago

would be great if - emoncms and grafana support Thanks. Great job.

kmaximv commented 7 years ago

Grafana: ESP MQTT-data -> Mosquitto -> OpenHab2 addon-persistence-influxdb -> influxDB -> Grafana or ESP MQTT-data -> Mosquitto -> telegraf -> influxDB -> Grafana

_014 _013 _012

kmaximv commented 7 years ago

emoncms is not in the plans

yo8aiv commented 7 years ago

thanks for your fast answer.

you should add this to the wiki ... people are searching for this. So if i dont have mqtt - not possible to publish !>? .. im shure there is a workarround. Cheers. keep up the good work.

kmaximv commented 7 years ago

So far only MQTT. In the future I plan to give data in the JSON format.