knightli / qiniu-uploader

qiniu uploader plugin for
MIT License
14 stars 7 forks source link

Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an al... #6

Open 91wangmeng opened 8 years ago

91wangmeng commented 8 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 1.12.4 Electron Version: 1.3.9 System: Mac OS X 10.10.5 Thrown From: qiniu-uploader package, v0.0.3

Stack Trace

Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'".

At /Users/wmm/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/sync-request/index.js:10

EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'".

    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/wmm/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/sync-request/index.js:10:1)
    at Module._compile (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.value [as .js] (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
    at require (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/wmm/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/qiniu/qiniu/zone.js:1:94)
    at Module._compile (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.value [as .js] (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
    at require (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/wmm/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/qiniu/qiniu/io.js:11:12)
    at Module._compile (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.value [as .js] (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
    at require (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/wmm/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/qiniu/index.js:8:7)
    at Module._compile (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Object.value [as .js] (/Users/wmm/Downloads/
    at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:424:3)


     -0:00.0 core:paste (


  "core": {
    "telemetryConsent": "no"

Installed Packages

# User
activate-power-mode, v1.1.0 (active)
color-picker, v2.2.3 (active)
markdown-assistant, v0.2.0 (active)
qiniu-uploader, v0.0.3 (inactive)
atom-dark-syntax, v0.27.0 (inactive)
atom-dark-ui, v0.52.0 (inactive)
atom-light-syntax, v0.28.0 (inactive)
atom-light-ui, v0.45.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-dark-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
base16-tomorrow-light-theme, v1.3.0 (inactive)
one-dark-ui, v1.6.2 (active)
one-light-ui, v1.6.2 (inactive)
one-dark-syntax, v1.5.0 (active)
one-light-syntax, v1.5.0 (inactive)
solarized-dark-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
solarized-light-syntax, v1.0.5 (inactive)
about, v1.7.0 (active)
archive-view, v0.62.0 (active)
autocomplete-atom-api, v0.10.0 (active)
autocomplete-css, v0.13.1 (active)
autocomplete-html, v0.7.2 (active)
autocomplete-plus, v2.31.4 (active)
autocomplete-snippets, v1.11.0 (active)
autoflow, v0.27.0 (inactive)
autosave, v0.23.1 (active)
background-tips, v0.26.1 (active)
bookmarks, v0.42.0 (active)
bracket-matcher, v0.82.2 (active)
command-palette, v0.39.0 (inactive)
deprecation-cop, v0.54.1 (active)
dev-live-reload, v0.47.0 (active)
encoding-selector, v0.22.0 (active)
exception-reporting, v0.40.0 (active)
find-and-replace, v0.202.2 (inactive)
fuzzy-finder, v1.4.0 (active)
git-diff, v1.1.0 (active)
go-to-line, v0.31.0 (inactive)
grammar-selector, v0.48.2 (active)
image-view, v0.60.0 (active)
incompatible-packages, v0.26.1 (active)
keybinding-resolver, v0.35.0 (active)
line-ending-selector, v0.5.0 (active)
link, v0.31.2 (inactive)
markdown-preview, v0.158.8 (active)
metrics, v1.1.2 (active)
notifications, v0.65.1 (active)
open-on-github, v1.2.1 (inactive)
package-generator, v1.0.1 (inactive)
settings-view, v0.243.1 (active)
snippets, v1.0.4 (active)
spell-check, v0.68.4 (active)
status-bar, v1.4.1 (active)
styleguide, v0.47.2 (active)
symbols-view, v0.113.1 (inactive)
tabs, v0.103.0 (active)
timecop, v0.33.2 (active)
tree-view, v0.210.0 (active)
update-package-dependencies, v0.10.0 (active)
welcome, v0.35.1 (active)
whitespace, v0.35.0 (active)
wrap-guide, v0.38.2 (active)
language-c, v0.54.0 (active)
language-clojure, v0.22.1 (active)
language-coffee-script, v0.48.0 (active)
language-csharp, v0.13.0 (active)
language-css, v0.40.1 (active)
language-gfm, v0.88.0 (active)
language-git, v0.15.0 (active)
language-go, v0.43.0 (active)
language-html, v0.46.1 (active)
language-hyperlink, v0.16.1 (active)
language-java, v0.24.0 (active)
language-javascript, v0.122.0 (active)
language-json, v0.18.3 (active)
language-less, v0.29.6 (active)
language-make, v0.22.2 (active)
language-mustache, v0.13.0 (active)
language-objective-c, v0.15.1 (active)
language-perl, v0.37.0 (active)
language-php, v0.37.3 (active)
language-property-list, v0.8.0 (active)
language-python, v0.45.1 (active)
language-ruby, v0.70.2 (active)
language-ruby-on-rails, v0.25.1 (active)
language-sass, v0.57.0 (active)
language-shellscript, v0.23.0 (active)
language-source, v0.9.0 (active)
language-sql, v0.25.0 (active)
language-text, v0.7.1 (active)
language-todo, v0.29.1 (active)
language-toml, v0.18.1 (active)
language-xml, v0.34.12 (active)
language-yaml, v0.27.1 (active)

# Dev
No dev packages
stephen-v commented 8 years ago


cyzaoj commented 8 years ago


djblovecxc commented 7 years ago


jingchen2222 commented 7 years ago






我的git: 如果操作不成功,或有其他问题可以在我的git上留言。



exports.up_host = function (uptoken, conf){

    var version = process.versions;
    var num = version.node.split(".")[0];

    // node 版本号低于 1.0.0, 使用默认域名上传,可以在conf中指定上传域名
    if(num < 1 ){
        conf.AUTOZONE = false;




exports.up_host = function (uptoken, conf){

    var version = process.versions;
    var num = version.node.split(".")[0];

    // node 版本号低于 1.0.0, 使用默认域名上传,可以在conf中指定上传域名
    conf.AUTOZONE = true;





step 2: 修改io.js文件

File Path:~/.atom/packages/qiniu-uploader/node_modules/qiniu/qiniu/io.js 修改函数:putReadable


// onret: callback function instead of ret
function putReadable (uptoken, key, rs, extra, onret) {
  if (!extra) {
    extra = new PutExtra();
  if (!extra.mimeType) {
    extra.mimeType = 'application/octet-stream';

  if (!key) {
    key = exports.UNDEFINED_KEY;

  rs.on("error", function (err) {
      onret({code: -1, error: err.toString()}, {});

  // 设置上传域名
  zone.up_host_async(uptoken, conf, function() {
      var form = getMultipart(uptoken, key, rs, extra);
      return rpc.postMultipart(conf.UP_HOST, form, onret);

shalk commented 7 years ago

+1 看不懂怎么改,貌似要改源码的样子. 什么时候qiuniu-uploader会更新么

xiaoli123 commented 7 years ago

按照你说的改了,还是有问题 image

idelin commented 7 years ago


Mrfuture1 commented 7 years ago


DRPrincess commented 7 years ago

@jingchen2222 谢谢分享,我的按照到第一种方法成功了

DRPrincess commented 7 years ago

@jingchen2222 好吧,没有成功,是我看错了,只是安装成功了,但是还是报错

airclear commented 7 years ago

@DRPrincess @Mrfuture1 @idelin @91wangmeng


DRPrincess commented 7 years ago

@Mrfuture1 @idelin @91wangmeng

把@jingchen2222 给的链接中的三个文件 io.js文件、rpc.js、zone.js 复制下来替换我们本地下载下的qiniu_uploader 中的对应文件,就能解决问题。

但是要注意 要复制 my_new_feature分支中的文件,那个才是最新的,修改过这个问题的。

MarcuSacramento commented 7 years ago


fanjinhao commented 7 years ago

亲测,@DRPrincess 的方法可行