knpuniversity / oauth2-client-bundle

Easily talk to an OAuth2 server for social functionality in Symfony
MIT License
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Google redirect_uri_mismatch due to redirect_routes that is not https #315

Closed wehostadm closed 1 year ago

wehostadm commented 3 years ago


Google has changed its rules for Oauth2 redirect URI and we should now use https. I use Symfony 4 with your bundle and the configuration file is :

            type: google
            client_id: '%google_client_id%'
            client_secret: '%google_client_secret%'
            redirect_route: connect_check_login

In the security controller, the route is defined like this :

     * @Route("/connect/check", schemes={"https"}, name="connect_check_login")
    public function checkAction(Request $request)
        // do nothing, it's catched by the guard authenticator

However, it continues to generates an http route : http://localhost/connect/check

The result is a 400 error code form Google : redirect_uri_mismatch

How can I force to generate https://localhost/connect/check with https protocol ?

Thanks a lot

jbelien commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with a custom provider that also requires HTTPS (if it's not localhost).

Issue is happening on Heroku:

Any idea how to fix this (or force HTTPS for redirect_uri) ? Thanks.

jbelien commented 3 years ago

I could fix this issue following the trusted proxies configuration :

I hope it will help you too.

DonCallisto commented 2 years ago

This issue isn't related to the bundle, am I wrong? If not, please close this issue. Thanks.

julbrs commented 2 years ago

I confirm this is not an issue with the bundle, but we see it when we setup the bundle with google ;)

I confirm that the @jbelien workaround is probably the best one as you don't have to force the scheme for a particular route.

In my case I have a Symfony4 behind dokku, and I just have to add an environment variable:


To make it work.

DonCallisto commented 2 years ago

Ok. Can you close this, please?

julbrs commented 2 years ago

Ok. Can you close this, please?

I think that only the original author (@wehostadm) or mainteners of the bundle can close the case,

DonCallisto commented 2 years ago

Yeah sorry, thought it was you.

lordjancso commented 1 year ago

It looks like this issue is still not solved fully. How can I force the bundle to redirect a https url? For some clients like facebook the https redirect url is mandatory. Thank you for the help!

weaverryan commented 1 year ago

Closing - as mentioned, this is likely a misconfig of your trusted proxies config.

put simply: if your user is already on https on your site, symfony will generate https urls. If your user is on https and symfony is NOT generating https urls, then this is because symfony thinks the user is on http, and that’s caused by symfony not trusting the “X-Forwarded-Proto” header sent by a reverse proxy somewhere in your stack.