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Drop calendar should recognize links #10709

Open exezbcz opened 1 month ago

exezbcz commented 1 month ago

this one:

Jarsen136 commented 1 month ago

On the drop calendar preview page, it has already supported markdown format. The easy way to achieve that is to replace the description with the below text.

I'm not sure who has access to update the description. Maybe @JustLuuuu

H-Emitters is a software that runs in the browser and simulates the propagation of circular plane waves emitted by multiple point-sources. The setup allows for the observation of interfering plane waves that create new patterns. The « fringes » appearing on points where the waves meet often take the shape of large dots with diffuse contours.\n\nThis quasi-simulation encourages viewer to wonder about the dual nature of physical reality. How simple circular wave patterns can create localized perturbations when interfering allows to make direct observations of a class of phenomenons that are at the heart of all modern physics.\n\nThe animation consists of a slow evolution of the characteristics of the point-sources. The “emitters” spectral distribution (colors) evolve through time and space until all their energy is dissipated. Each emitter also has a specific gaussian intensity distribution, and all these characteristics make each iteration unique in brightness, composition, and color distribution.\n\n## Mint\n\nLIVE: An endless animation that runs in the browser and allows to observe interference patterns generated by multiple point sources with characteristics evolving through time and space.\nCAPTURE: A static 1080x1080px snapshot of the first instant of the animated version.\n\n## Controls\n\nPress ‘SPACE’ on the keyboard to generate a square signed 4K capture (2160x2160 px 24bits PNG)\nIn ‘stochastic’ distributions of point sources, press ‘P’ to generate a new spatial configuration of the emitters.\n\n## Technics\n\n- Javascript/WebGL handwritten software, runs in all modern browsers\n- Uses p5.js library and handwritten custom GLSL/WebGL shaders\n- Square 1:1 format animation (1080x1080) and square 1:1 4K capture\n\n---\n\n@HAL09999 – July 29th, 2024\nOfficial website: https://danslesnuages.xyz\nTEZ: tz1PgMiRHHCjLaJZPS739cJKnNHGaRXYnsCn\nETH: 0xE4d9C51F0fd017A3CFD31c1674f5C44864877f19\nDOT: 1HAL9SxxfyYSWk2o1gGM41AhJ6vTxZk1iQDex1znUvom6r9\nX/Twitter: https://twitter.com/HAL09999\nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/hal09999/\nTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@hal09999\nFarcaster: https://warpcast.com/hal09999

Final Preview:
