kodi-community-addons / script.skin.helper.skinbackup

Kodi add-on to create skin backups and themes
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Bug] Matrix Blank folder after backing up #14

Closed Blurayx closed 3 years ago

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

Blank folder after backing up


"Backupfile was successfully created"

Screenshot 2021-03-07 at 12 49 08

Blank folder after backing up

Screenshot 2021-03-07 at 12 49 23


Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

In your log you use script.skin.helper.skinbackup v1.0.28 installed Please use from this site https://github.com/kodi-community-addons/script.skin.helper.skinbackup/archive/refs/heads/master.zip now is for Matrix version="1.0.19"

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

I previously tried version 1.0.19. Unfortunately, 1.0.19. is worse because nothing happens when I click on backup. Also, there's no image for the icon



Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

Latest changes, test please https://github.com/kodi-community-addons/script.skin.helper.skinbackup/commit/c671440fcd714ef63aaba0304ca293d2c51dc2fe

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

It only backs-up on the first install. after that all backups fail.



Thanks for your patients ๐Ÿ™‚

Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

that is ok....name was change in skin name + only date....you try in same day......Owerwrite your file if you try in same date :)

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

ok, that worked. The Kodi 18 version created its own individual time stamp. Now I have another issue. it's not restoring my sub-menu settings.


Sub-menu: "30 minute workouts"



Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

I see on your video(images-video tell more then word) :) .....problem with script.skinshortcuts backup. Mine Aeonmq6 doesen't use script.skinshortcuts, and backup work for me.Tomorow I will try to fix that part too.

Blurayx commented 3 years ago


Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

Blurayx, some missing part....new version is available version="1.0.20" Please test

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

The multiple backups work great but for restoring the Artic horizon submenu and widgets still not working. kodi.log kodi old.log



Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

I think skinshortcuts works when you change some code write as hah.Script backup only backup that changes, doesent have start for skin setings in skin folder. If you restore menu items in skin and then start restore all your changes will be restored ?!?

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

"If you restore menu items in skin and then start restore all your changes will be restored ?!?"

sorry, I'm a bit confused with the question.

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

Update: performed a clean install then restored from skin backup. As you can see nothing has been saved correctly compared to my original settings. https://github.com/kodi-community-addons/script.skin.helper.skinbackup/issues/14#issuecomment-803578937

kodi.log kodi.old.log

It saved my sub-menus and widgets but not on the home screen. You can see my original configurations in the skin settings.



Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

Create backup before this action -Try to add, music widget in tv show,..... you always delete widget... -Change position tvshow and movie in home screen -Change orientation from verical to horisontal go to home screen to force script.skinshortcuts to write changes in his addon_data/script.skinshortcuts folder you have home like this https://i.imgur.com/R5cQp4u.png now is time to restore... When you back to home only orientation is back(that is from skinsetings.xml) but if you go to skin setings you will see that all changes are back.only script.skinshortcuts didnt start to change. I dont know how to find button to reload skin, but I triger script.skinshortcuts with changing order of movie widget to force to reload script.skinshortcuts. And finaly go to Home......all is back

try this

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

After a restore, the submenus still missing. The music widgets remain on the home screen but are not in the skin settings. kodi.log kodi.old.log


After skin backup restore:

Submenu settings do not show on the home screen if they are deleted before the restore.

Screenshot 2021-03-21 at 23 04 03

No music widgets configured but still remain on the home screen

Screenshot 2021-03-21 at 23 06 55


Angelinas1 commented 3 years ago

OK reload skin dosen't triger script.skinshortcuts to write changes. But if you change order of widget in movie, and back to home will....need to have icon on home in right corner.

Blurayx commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your patience & hard work but I think I'm going to give up on Skin backup. I have found an alternative, using backup. Over the years I haven't had any issue with skin backup until python 3 came along ๐Ÿ™‚

I can leave you in peace now lol


Screenshot 2021-03-22 at 16 56 13

Setting to fully restore Arctic Horizon

Screenshot 2021-03-22 at 16 55 52