Open Tengyun-Mo opened 4 years ago
I guess that's an error when you don't execute "set use_sim_time true" before starting the launch file.
I guess that's an error when you don't execute "set use_sim_time true" before starting the launch file.
Thanks for your response,I have executed "set use_sim_time true" before start the launch file.And this error never changed.
Have you also started the bagfile with the clock setting, like "rosbag play --clock /home/your/path/*.bag"?
Have you also started the bagfile with the clock setting, like "rosbag play --clock /home/your/path/*.bag"? Yes,I follow every step of reference
This is the map of point cloud after played the bag file.It's just a few laser scan have been used.Everything is OK after played bag file,but when I playing bag file ,the error occurred.
I have the same problem, any help with it?
I solved this problem. I ran this package on jetson agx xavier and met the same problem. I think it is because the play speed of the bag is too fast. so when i use
rosbag play --clock hdl_400.bag -r 0.5 it is working。Maybe the jetson agx xavier use this package there has the hardware limitation
The map of point cloud can't display well when I use rviz.And I get error:
TF error: [Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1509348922.367725000 but the latest data is at time 1509348882.233323000, when looking up transform from frame [velodyne] to frame [map]]
How to resolve this issue?Who can help me?I'm very appreciate it .