Closed cbka closed 3 weeks ago
looks like the auth is not valid anymore. so maybe checking / renewing it before accessing api endpoints would be good
another error:
ERROR: Backup of VM 175 failed - Error :: PureStorage API :: List volumes status failed.
ERROR: => Trace:
ERROR: ==> Code: 401
ERROR: ==> Message: {"errors" => [{"message" => "Invalid session.","location_context" => {"name" => "ka-rz1-arr-1","id" => undef,"resource_type" => "remote-arrays"}}]} at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/Custom/ line 280.
it seems like the auth_token is only receiver once and due to the time the backup takes gets invalid ...
I do not think retrying can possibly help here. Probably the token supplied in storage.cfg has expired.
@amulet1 well, the Token in the config is not the x auth Token Provided After Post-Login
fix resolves timeout error pls push to main @timansky
INFO: include disk 'scsi0' 'ka-rz1-arr-1-iscsi-plugin:vm-126-disk-0' 200G
INFO: include disk 'scsi1' 'ka-rz1-arr-1-iscsi-plugin:vm-126-disk-1' 4101M
Error :: Invalid session. Retrying... Attempt: 2
Info :: Volume "ka-rz1-pve-cluster/vm-126-disk-0" was already added to host "pve01".
wwid '3624a9370acbf05bb9dd74c2700011420' added