kolkov / ngx-gallery

A simple responsive native gallery component for Angular 8+.
MIT License
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Galleryoption property imageAutoPlay does not work in Angular Universal (Angular 10) #61

Open gitalvininfo opened 3 years ago

gitalvininfo commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for this great library, but I want to report an issue in which the gallery is not rendered in page when imageAutoPlay is set to true which is by default. Removing the imageAutoPlay property renders again the gallery.

This is my gallery option

this.galleryOptions = [
        thumbnails: false,
        height: "150px",
        width: "100%",
        thumbnailsRows: 1,
        thumbnailsColumns: 1,
        preview: false,
        imageArrows: false,
        // imageAutoPlay: true,
        // imageAutoPlayPauseOnHover: true,

I just wan t to make sure if this is currently supported in angular universal?

Animation works properly when serve in normal angular app but when I try to build it to angular universal gallery is missing.

Thanks again. any insights would be appreciated.

gitalvininfo commented 3 years ago

I hope to hear some solutions.
