kolton / d2bot-with-kolbot

d2bot game manager by D3STROY3R with kolbot libs by kolton for d2bs
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Kolbot follower issue #1684

Open MISST3RJ opened 5 years ago

MISST3RJ commented 5 years ago

Hello, my lead makes games runs smooth no issues, my follower will join channel say login. then stall for x amount of hours. Although if I were to manually join it plays as it should, I've set up for leech but it is acting as if I need to manually join.

The other issue is when I pulled out of my test (Which is making games public instead of private lead fails out.

Lead: ICR

// Paladin config file

/* Brief instructions:

function LoadConfig() { /* Sequence config

var StarterConfig = { JoinChannel: "op camp.", // Name of the channel to join FirstJoinMessage: "Sup hoes", // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login" ChatActionsDelay: 2, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel

JoinRetryDelay: 5, // Time in seconds to wait before next join attempt SwitchKeyDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait before switching a used/banned key or after realm down

CrashDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait after a d2 window crash RealmDownDelay: 3, // Minutes to wait after getting Realm Down message UnableToConnectDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait after Unable To Connect message CDKeyInUseDelay: 5, // Minutes to wait before connecting again if CD-Key is in use. SwitchKeys overrides this! ConnectingTimeout: 20, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Connecting...' screen PleaseWaitTimeout: 30, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Please Wait...' screen WaitInLineTimeout: 60, // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Waiting in Line...' screen GameDoesNotExistTimeout: 30 // Seconds to wait before cancelling the 'Game does not exist.' screen };

Leecher: CIR

// Assassin config file

/* Brief instructions:

function LoadConfig() { /* Sequence config


/ Join game settings Format: "leader's profile": ["leecher 1 profile", "leecher 2 profile", ...] If you want everyone to join the same leader, use "leader's profile": ["all"] NOTE: Use PROFILE names (profile matches window title), NOT character/account names leader:leecher groups need to be divided by a comma example: var JoinSettings = { "all": ["ICR"] }; /

var JoinSettings = { "all": ["ICR"] };

// Advanced config - you don't have to edit this unless you need some of the features provided var AdvancedConfig = { /* Features: Override join delay for each profile

// Put your lines under this one. Multiple entries are separated by commas. No comma after the last one.


// No touchy! include("json2.js"); include("OOG.js"); include("automule.js"); include("gambling.js"); include("craftingsystem.js"); include("torchsystem.js"); include("common/misc.js");

var i, j, gameInfo, joinInfo, gameStart, ingame, handle, firstLogin, chatActionsDone, lastGameTick, connectFail, gameCount = DataFile.getStats().runs + 1, loginRetry = 0, lastGameStatus = "ready", leader = "ICR", lastGame = [];

if (!FileTools.exists("data/" + me.profile + ".json")) { DataFile.create(); }

function locationTimeout (time, location) { var endtime = getTickCount() + time;

while (!me.ingame && getLocation() === location && endtime > getTickCount()) { delay(500); }

return (getLocation() !== location); }

function updateCount () { D2Bot.updateCount(); delay(1000); ControlAction.click(6, 264, 366, 272, 35);

try { login(me.profile); } catch (e) {


delay(1000); ControlAction.click(6, 33, 572, 128, 35); }

function ScriptMsgEvent (msg) { switch (msg) { case "mule": AutoMule.check = true;

break; case "muleTorch": AutoMule.torchCheck = true;

break; case "torch": TorchSystem.check = true;

break; case "crafting": CraftingSystem.check = true;

break; case "getMuleMode": if (AutoMule.torchAnniCheck === 2) { scriptBroadcast("2"); } else if (AutoMule.torchAnniCheck === 1) { scriptBroadcast("1"); } else if (AutoMule.check) { scriptBroadcast("0"); }

break; } }

function ReceiveCopyData (mode, msg) { var obj;

switch (msg) { case "Handle": handle = mode;

break; }

switch (mode) { case 1: // JoinInfo //print("Got Join Info");

joinInfo = JSON.parse(msg);

break; case 2: // Game info print("Recieved Game Info");

gameInfo = JSON.parse(msg);

break; case 3: // Game request // Don't let others join mule/torch/key/gold drop game if (AutoMule.inGame || Gambling.inGame || TorchSystem.inGame || CraftingSystem.inGame) { break; }

if (gameInfo) { obj = JSON.parse(msg);

D2Bot.joinMe(obj.profile, me.gamename || "jchaosb", "", me.gamepassword || "q", me.gameReady ? "yes" : "no"); }

break; case 4: // Heartbeat ping if (msg === "pingreq") { sendCopyData(null, me.windowtitle, 4, "pingrep"); }

break; } }

function timer (tick) { if (!tick) { return ""; }

var min, sec;

min = Math.floor((getTickCount() - tick) / 60000).toString();

if (min <= 9) { min = "0" + min; }

sec = (Math.floor((getTickCount() - tick) / 1000) % 60).toString();

if (sec <= 9) { sec = "0" + sec; }

return " (" + min + ":" + sec + ")"; }

function main () { debugLog(me.profile); addEventListener('copydata', ReceiveCopyData); addEventListener('scriptmsg', ScriptMsgEvent);

while (!handle) { delay(100); }

DataFile.updateStats("handle", handle); D2Bot.init(); load("tools/heartbeat.js");

while (!gameInfo) { D2Bot.requestGameInfo(); delay(500); }

if (gameInfo.error) { //D2Bot.retrieve(); delay(200);

if (!!DataFile.getStats().debugInfo) { gameInfo.crashInfo = DataFile.getStats().debugInfo;

D2Bot.printToConsole("Crash Info: Script: " + JSON.parse(gameInfo.crashInfo).currScript + " Area: " + JSON.parse(gameInfo.crashInfo).area, 10); }

/if (gameInfo.crashInfo) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Crash Info: Script: " + gameInfo.crashInfo.currScript + " Area: " + gameInfo.crashInfo.area + (gameInfo.crashInfo.hasOwnProperty("lastAction") ? " " + gameInfo.crashInfo.lastAction : ""), 10); }/

ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Crash Delay", StarterConfig.CrashDelay * 1e3); D2Bot.updateRuns(); }

//D2Bot.store(JSON.stringify({currScript: "none", area: "out of game"})); DataFile.updateStats("debugInfo", JSON.stringify({currScript: "none", area: "out of game"}));

while (true) { while (me.ingame) { // returns true before actually in game so we can't only use this check if (me.gameReady) { // returns false when switching acts so we can't use while if (!ingame) { print("ÿc4Updating Status"); //D2Bot.updateStatus("Game: " + me.gamename);

lastGameStatus = "ingame"; ingame = true; gameStart = getTickCount();

DataFile.updateStats("runs", gameCount); }

D2Bot.updateStatus("Game: " + me.gamename + timer(gameStart)); }

delay(1000); }

locationAction(); delay(1000); } }

function joinCheck (leader) { D2Bot.requestGame(leader); delay(500);

//print(leader + " " + joinInfo.inGame + " " + lastGame.toSource() + " " + joinInfo.gameName);

if (!joinInfo.inGame || (lastGame.length && lastGame.indexOf(joinInfo.gameName) === -1)) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Game is finished. Stopping join delay.");

return true; }

return false; }

function locationAction () { if (me.ingame) { return; }

var i, string, control, text, location;

location = getLocation();

MainSwitch: switch (location) { case 0: ControlAction.click();

break; case 1: // Lobby D2Bot.updateStatus("Lobby");

me.blockKeys = false; loginRetry = 0;

if (!firstLogin) { firstLogin = true; }

if (StarterConfig.JoinChannel !== "") { ControlAction.click(6, 27, 480, 120, 20);

break; }

if (ingame) { if (AutoMule.outOfGameCheck() || TorchSystem.outOfGameCheck() || Gambling.outOfGameCheck() || CraftingSystem.outOfGameCheck()) { break; }

print("updating runs"); D2Bot.updateRuns();

lastGameTick = getTickCount(); gameCount += 1; lastGameStatus = "ready"; ingame = false; }

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 652, 469, 120, 20)) { // Join break; }

if (!locationTimeout(5000, location)) { // in case join button gets bugged if (!ControlAction.click(6, 533, 469, 120, 20)) { // Create break; }

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 652, 469, 120, 20)) { // Join break; } }

break; case 2: // Waiting In Line D2Bot.updateStatus("Waiting..."); locationTimeout(StarterConfig.WaitInLineTimeout * 1e3, location); ControlAction.click(6, 433, 433, 96, 32);

break; case 3: // Lobby Chat D2Bot.updateStatus("Lobby Chat");

if (ingame) { if (AutoMule.outOfGameCheck() || TorchSystem.outOfGameCheck() || Gambling.outOfGameCheck() || CraftingSystem.outOfGameCheck()) { break; }

print("updating runs"); D2Bot.updateRuns();

lastGameTick = getTickCount(); gameCount += 1; lastGameStatus = "ready"; ingame = false; }

if (!chatActionsDone) { chatActionsDone = true;

ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Chat delay", StarterConfig.ChatActionsDelay * 1e3); say("/j " + StarterConfig.JoinChannel); delay(1000);

if (StarterConfig.FirstJoinMessage !== "") { say(StarterConfig.FirstJoinMessage); delay(500); } }

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 652, 469, 120, 20)) { // Join break; }

if (!locationTimeout(5000, location)) { // in case join button gets bugged if (!ControlAction.click(6, 533, 469, 120, 20)) { // Create break; }

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 652, 469, 120, 20)) { // Join break; } }

break; case 4: // Create Game break; case 5: // Join Game D2Bot.updateStatus("Join Game");

if (!leader) { leader = [];

for (i in JoinSettings) { if (JoinSettings.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof i === "string") { for (j = 0; j < JoinSettings[i].length; j += 1) { if (JoinSettings[i][j] === me.profile || JoinSettings[i][j] === "all") { leader.push(i); } } } } }

if (!leader || !leader.length) { break; }

JoinLoop2: for (i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < leader.length; j += 1) { joinInfo = false;

D2Bot.requestGame(leader[j]); delay(100);

if (joinInfo && joinInfo.gameName !== "" && (lastGame.indexOf(joinInfo.gameName) === -1 || lastGameStatus === "pending")) { ControlAction.setText(1, 606, 148, 155, 20, joinInfo.gamePass); ControlAction.setText(1, 432, 148, 155, 20, joinInfo.gameName);

if (lastGameStatus === "pending" || (gameInfo.error && DataFile.getStats().gameName === joinInfo.gameName)) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Failed to join game"); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Join Delay", StarterConfig.JoinRetryDelay * 1000, joinCheck, leader[j]); D2Bot.updateRuns(); D2Bot.requestGame(leader[j]); delay(200);

if (!joinInfo.inGame) { lastGameStatus = "ready";

break; } }

if (!joinInfo.inGame) { continue; }

// Don't join immediately after previous game to avoid FTJ if (getTickCount() - lastGameTick < 5000) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Game Delay", (lastGameTick - getTickCount() + 5000)); }

print("joining game " + joinInfo.gameName);

if (typeof AdvancedConfig[me.profile] === "object" && typeof AdvancedConfig[me.profile].JoinDelay === "number") { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Custom Join Delay", AdvancedConfig[me.profile].JoinDelay * 1e3); }

me.blockMouse = true;

DataFile.updateStats("gameName", joinInfo.gameName); ControlAction.click(6, 594, 433, 172, 32);

me.blockMouse = false;


if (lastGame.length > leader.length) { // Might need a fixed number. Right now it stores 1 game per leader. lastGame.shift(); }

lastGameStatus = "pending";

locationTimeout(15000, location);

break JoinLoop2; } } }

break; case 6: // Ladder break; case 7: // Channel List break; case 8: // Main Menu case 9: // Login case 12: // Character Select case 18: // D2 Splash // Single Player screen fix if (getLocation() === 12 && !getControl(4, 626, 100, 151, 44)) { ControlAction.click(6, 33, 572, 128, 35);

break; }

if (firstLogin && getLocation() === 9) { // multiple realm botting fix in case of R/D or disconnect ControlAction.click(6, 33, 572, 128, 35); }

D2Bot.updateStatus("Logging In");

try { login(me.profile); } catch (e) { if (getLocation() === 12 && loginRetry < 2) { if (loginRetry === 0) { // start from beginning of the char list sendKey(0x24); }

control = getControl(4, 237, 457, 72, 93); // char on 1st column, 4th row

if (control) { me.blockMouse = true; me.blockKeys = true;

control.click(); sendKey(0x28); sendKey(0x28); sendKey(0x28); sendKey(0x28);

me.blockMouse = false; }

loginRetry++; } else { me.blockKeys = false; print(e + " " + getLocation()); } }

break; case 10: // Login Error string = ""; text = ControlAction.getText(4, 199, 377, 402, 140);

if (text) { for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { string += text[i];

if (i !== text.length - 1) { string += " "; } }

switch (string) { case getLocaleString(5207): D2Bot.updateStatus("Invalid Password"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Invalid Password");

break; case getLocaleString(5208): D2Bot.updateStatus("Invalid Account"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Invalid Account");

break; case getLocaleString(5202): // cd key intended for another product case getLocaleString(10915): // lod key intended for another product D2Bot.updateStatus("Invalid CDKey"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Invalid CDKey: " + gameInfo.mpq, 6); D2Bot.CDKeyDisabled();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.stop(); }

break; case getLocaleString(5199): D2Bot.updateStatus("Disabled CDKey"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Disabled CDKey: " + gameInfo.mpq, 6); D2Bot.CDKeyDisabled();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.stop(); }

break; case getLocaleString(10913): D2Bot.updateStatus("Disabled LoD CDKey"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Disabled LoD CDKey: " + gameInfo.mpq, 6); D2Bot.CDKeyDisabled();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.stop(); }

break; case getLocaleString(5347): D2Bot.updateStatus("Disconnected"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Disconnected"); ControlAction.click(6, 335, 412, 128, 35);

break MainSwitch; default: D2Bot.updateStatus("Login Error"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Login Error - " + string);

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.stop(); }

break; } }

ControlAction.click(6, 335, 412, 128, 35);

while (true) { delay(1000); }

break; case 11: // Unable To Connect D2Bot.updateStatus("Unable To Connect");

if (connectFail) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Unable to Connect", StarterConfig.UnableToConnectDelay * 6e4);

connectFail = false; } else { connectFail = true; }

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 335, 450, 128, 35)) { break; }

break; case 13: // Realm Down - Character Select screen D2Bot.updateStatus("Realm Down"); delay(1000);

if (!ControlAction.click(6, 33, 572, 128, 35)) { break; }

updateCount(); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Realm Down", StarterConfig.RealmDownDelay * 6e4); D2Bot.CDKeyRD();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys && !gameInfo.rdBlocker) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Realm Down - Changing CD-Key"); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.printToConsole("Realm Down - Restart"); D2Bot.restart(); }

break; case 14: // Character Select - Disconnected D2Bot.updateStatus("Disconnected"); delay(500); ControlAction.click(6, 351, 337, 96, 32);

break; case 16: // Character Select - Please Wait popup if (!locationTimeout(StarterConfig.PleaseWaitTimeout * 1e3, location)) { ControlAction.click(6, 351, 337, 96, 32); }

break; case 17: // Lobby - Lost Connection - just click okay, since we're toast anyway delay(1000); ControlAction.click(6, 351, 337, 96, 32);

break; case 19: // Login - Cdkey In Use D2Bot.printToConsole(gameInfo.mpq + " is in use by " + ControlAction.getText(4, 158, 310, 485, 40), 6); D2Bot.CDKeyInUse();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("CD-Key in use", StarterConfig.CDKeyInUseDelay 6e4); ControlAction.click(6, 335, 450, 128, 35); }

break; case 20: // Single Player - Select Difficulty break; case 21: // Main Menu - Connecting if (!locationTimeout(StarterConfig.ConnectingTimeout * 1e3, location)) { ControlAction.click(6, 330, 416, 128, 35); }

break; case 22: // Login - Invalid Cdkey (classic or xpac) text = ControlAction.getText(4, 162, 270, 477, 50); string = "";

if (text) { for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { string += text[i];

if (i !== text.length - 1) { string += " "; } } }

switch (string) { case getLocaleString(10914): D2Bot.printToConsole(gameInfo.mpq + " LoD key in use by " + ControlAction.getText(4, 158, 310, 485, 40), 6); D2Bot.CDKeyInUse();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { ControlAction.click(6, 335, 450, 128, 35); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("LoD key in use", StarterConfig.CDKeyInUseDelay 6e4); }

break; default: if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Invalid CD-Key"); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { ControlAction.click(6, 335, 450, 128, 35); ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Invalid CD-Key", StarterConfig.CDKeyInUseDelay 6e4); }

break; }

break; case 23: // Character Select - Connecting case 42: // Empty character screen string = ""; text = ControlAction.getText(4, 45, 318, 531, 140);

if (text) { for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 1) { string += text[i];

if (i !== text.length - 1) { string += " "; } }

if (string === getLocaleString(11161)) { // CDKey disabled from realm play D2Bot.updateStatus("Realm Disabled CDKey"); D2Bot.printToConsole("Realm Disabled CDKey: " + gameInfo.mpq, 6); D2Bot.CDKeyDisabled();

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay * 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } else { D2Bot.stop(); } } }

if (!locationTimeout(StarterConfig.ConnectingTimeout * 1e3, location)) { ControlAction.click(6, 33, 572, 128, 35);

if (gameInfo.rdBlocker) { D2Bot.restart(); } }

break; case 24: // Server Down - not much to do but wait.. break; case 25: // Lobby - Please Wait if (!locationTimeout(StarterConfig.PleaseWaitTimeout * 1e3, location)) { ControlAction.click(6, 351, 337, 96, 32); }

break; case 26: // Lobby - Game Name Exists break; case 27: // Gateway Select ControlAction.click(6, 436, 538, 96, 32);

break; case 28: // Lobby - Game Does Not Exist D2Bot.printToConsole("Game doesn't exist");

if (gameInfo.rdBlocker) { D2Bot.printToConsole(gameInfo.mpq + " is probably flagged.", 6);

if (gameInfo.switchKeys) { ControlAction.timeoutDelay("Key switch delay", StarterConfig.SwitchKeyDelay 1000); D2Bot.restart(true); } } else { locationTimeout(StarterConfig.GameDoesNotExistTimeout 1e3, location); }

lastGameStatus = "ready";

break; case 38: // Game is full D2Bot.printToConsole("Game is full"); ControlAction.click(6, 652, 469, 120, 20); lastGame.push(joinInfo.gameName);

lastGameStatus = "ready";

break; default: if (location !== undefined) { D2Bot.printToConsole("Unhandled location " + location); //takeScreenshot(); delay(500); D2Bot.restart(); }

break; } }

DarkHorseDre commented 5 years ago

Bro a tip to ensure people are more likely to help: Paste your files into a site like pastebin.com and then paste the links here - your pasted script has no syntax highlighting, no line numbers, lost indentation and fills multiple pages unnecessarily :(

Without looking at your file I would suggest: setting the correct case senstive leader name in follower entry script JoinSettings - this file controls which games the follower joins (when on same pc).