The alerts can be one out of four options and their type can be set after creating the alert from the alert toolbar.
Why is it needed?
Some content editors would want to highlight content and alerts will be a good way to do that.
How to test it?
Write your content, go to the block selector and choose alert, click on the alert type you want from the alert toolbar.
It requires merging the following the PR above.
Based on the EdifficeUI Tiptap abbreviation extension.
What does it do?
It adds an alert extension to the editor.
The alerts can be one out of four options and their type can be set after creating the alert from the alert toolbar.
Why is it needed?
Some content editors would want to highlight content and alerts will be a good way to do that.
How to test it?
Write your content, go to the block selector and choose alert, click on the alert type you want from the alert toolbar. Screencast_20240723_213251.webm
It requires merging the following the PR above. Based on the EdifficeUI Tiptap abbreviation extension.