korenmiklos / 2020-08-23-eea

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Create pairwise GitHub exercise #30

Closed korenmiklos closed 4 years ago

korenmiklos commented 4 years ago

Practice pushing/pulling from the same repo

korenmiklos commented 4 years ago

Will be added here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q0iYEjvCnDmj8D-PlOpGHg214Sfq8HO4aS7bwTYJhS4/edit?usp=sharing

korenmiklos commented 4 years ago

[co-instructor: after the instructor explained the exercise, you will have to create random breakout rooms of 2 people]

[instructor: show some of the steps first on the screen, at least until step 2]

  1. You will be working in pairs. One is a repository owner, the other is a collaborator. Discuss who will start as owner and share your GitHub account names.
  2. The owner gives Write access rights to the collaborator to their “conversion” repo on GitHub.
  3. The collaborator clones the owner’s repo on their local computer.
  4. The collaborator edits README.md in nano and adds a line of explanation. They add, commit and push the change.
  5. The owner reviews the change on GitHub. They then pull it on their local computer.
  6. Switch roles (and repositories) and repeat.

[after exercise, bring back people from breakout rooms and discuss challenges. they will face conflicts etc] @ariedamuco @kiss-oliver

bkmgit commented 4 years ago

Maybe worth updating this exercise in future to use create a pdf out of a paper using LaTeX for example see: https://github.com/xu-cheng/latex-action https://github.com/vinay0410/tectonic-action Possible style files include those from Econometrica or the source files for Writing Finance papers in LaTeX