kottans / frontend-2019-p2p

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Task_css_html_popup #96

Closed dashakim closed 5 years ago

dashakim commented 5 years ago

Replace task name and links as appropriate and remove this line.

HTML & CSS practice:

Demo | Code base

The code is submitted in its own sub-directory and in a dedicated feature branch. Please, review.

NastjonkaK commented 5 years ago

Hi! Good Job! :-) But there is something to impove.

It's a good practice to name classes in camelCase. Please, check your code by the validator (https://validator.w3.org/nu) and resolve all errors.

A-Ostrovnyy commented 5 years ago

It's a good practice to name classes in camelCase.

It's a matter of taste.

NastjonkaK commented 5 years ago

I think it will be visually better if all interactive elements in :hover or :focus state had a little space on the top.

A-Ostrovnyy commented 5 years ago

Well done!