koush / UniversalAdbDriver

One size fits all Windows Drivers for Android Debug Bridge.
2.13k stars 493 forks source link

Add support for LG P990, P999, P990h, P990hn #5

Closed tonyp closed 11 years ago

tonyp commented 11 years ago

I used to maintain an own modded ADB driver for the star devices, it just occured to me I could hand that off to you. Please revise the format.

Thanks, Tony

tonyp commented 11 years ago

@koush Thanks! How often do you update the installer and how do I know that you did? Just want to know when to link my users to your drivers :)

koush commented 11 years ago

I can do one sometime this week. Check back with me in the evenings. I don't have a Windows machine on hand at work.

tonyp commented 11 years ago

Evenings - let me see, you're in Seattle so it should be 5:30pm now? Shall I just push this discussion here again then or hit you up in IRC?

koush commented 11 years ago

Here works better, I ignore irc a lot :)

I'll be home in a few hours, busy late tnoght

tonyp commented 11 years ago

ping :) :dog:

tonyp commented 11 years ago

Another push.

koush commented 11 years ago

I did a refresh the other day, if I recall correctly.


tonyp commented 11 years ago

Just tested it and it works like a charm, my newly added lines are in the inf. Thanks for the new build! :)