kovidgoyal / kitty

Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
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Can't copy output of last command (via `launch`) from an overlaid shell program window #5392

Closed akharrou closed 2 years ago

akharrou commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Trying to copy the output of the last command from an overlay shell program window doesn't seem to work for me. What am I doing wrong ?

  • copying the output via: launch --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output --type=clipboard

To Reproduce

#: kitty.conf
env TERM_PROGRAM=kitty
shell /bin/zsh --login
allow_remote_control yes

#: copy output of last shell command
map super+y launch --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output --type=clipboard
#: launch new [zsh] shell overlay
map super+. launch --type=overlay --cwd=current zsh --login
  1. launch an overlay shell program window
  2. run a command
  3. try to copy its output
  4. paste the output
  5. realize it's not the output of the previously run command

Aug-17-2022 21-22-38

  • in this recording
    1. first a command is run and its output is copied from a non-overlay window
    2. then we get into an overlay window
    3. then we try to run a command and copy its output (but this fails)

Environment details

full kitty debug output (with full config thought) ``` kitty 0.25.2 created by Kovid Goyal Darwin Mac.local 21.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.4.0: Fri Mar 18 00:45:05 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.101.4~15/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 12.3.1 BuildVersion: 21E258 Frozen: True Paths: kitty: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS/kitty base dir: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/Resources/kitty extensions dir: /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/Resources/Python/lib/kitty-extensions system shell: /bin/zsh Loaded config files: /Users/akharrou/.config/kitty/kitty.conf Config options different from defaults: active_tab_title_template {index}: {title} adjust_baseline 1 adjust_column_width -1 adjust_line_height 3 allow_remote_control y background_opacity 0.96 clipboard_control ('write-clipboard', 'write-primary', 'read-clipboard', 'read-primary') confirm_os_window_close 1 copy_on_select clipboard cursor_beam_thickness 2.0 cursor_shape 2 dynamic_background_opacity True editor /usr/local/bin/nvim enable_audio_bell False enabled_layouts ['splits:bias=100', 'grid', 'stack'] env: {'TERM_PROGRAM': 'kitty'} exe_search_path: {'/usr/local/bin/': '/usr/local/bin/', '~/.local/bin': '~/.local/bin', '~/.local/etc/opt/kitty/scripts/': '~/.local/etc/opt/kitty/scripts/'} font_family RobotoMono Nerd Font font_features: {'UnifontMedium': ('+isol', '-medi', '-fina', '-init')} font_size 14.5 hide_window_decorations 2 inactive_text_alpha 0.75 macos_hide_from_tasks True macos_quit_when_last_window_closed True macos_thicken_font 0.4 mouse_hide_wait 3.0 pointer_shape_when_grabbed beam scrollback_lines 4294967295 scrollback_pager ['bat'] scrollback_pager_history_size 4194304000 shell /bin/zsh --login single_window_margin_width FloatEdges(left=0.0, top=0.0, right=0.0, bottom=0.0) startup_session /Users/akharrou/.config/kitty/session/ranger.conf strip_trailing_spaces smart tab_bar_margin_height TabBarMarginHeight(outer=8.0, inner=0) tab_bar_margin_width 20.0 tab_bar_min_tabs 1 tab_bar_style separator tab_powerline_style round tab_separator      tab_title_template {index}: {title} url_prefixes ('http', 'https', 'file', 'ftp', 'gemini', 'irc', 'gopher', 'mailto', 'news', 'git') url_style 2 window_border_width (1.0, 'px') window_padding_width FloatEdges(left=10.0, top=10.0, right=10.0, bottom=10.0) Added mouse actions: opt+left click ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt opt+left click grabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt opt+left release ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt opt+left release grabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt opt+left press ungrabbed → mouse_selection rectangle opt+left press grabbed → mouse_selection rectangle opt+left doublepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection word opt+left triplepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line shift+opt+left doublepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line_from_point cmd+left release ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click link cmd+left release grabbed → mouse_handle_click link cmd+right press ungrabbed → mouse_show_command_output Removed mouse actions: shift+left click ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt shift+left click grabbed → mouse_handle_click selection link prompt shift+left press grabbed → mouse_selection normal shift+left doublepress grabbed → mouse_selection word shift+left triplepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line shift+left triplepress grabbed → mouse_selection line ctrl+shift+left release ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click link ctrl+shift+left release grabbed → mouse_handle_click link ctrl+shift+left press grabbed → discard_event ctrl+opt+left press ungrabbed → mouse_selection rectangle ctrl+opt+left triplepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line_from_point ctrl+shift+opt+left press ungrabbed → mouse_selection rectangle ctrl+shift+opt+left press grabbed → mouse_selection rectangle ctrl+shift+opt+left triplepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line_from_point ctrl+shift+opt+left triplepress grabbed → mouse_selection line_from_point shift+right press ungrabbed → mouse_selection extend shift+right press grabbed → mouse_selection extend ctrl+shift+right press ungrabbed → mouse_show_command_output middle release ungrabbed → paste_from_selection shift+middle release ungrabbed → paste_selection shift+middle release grabbed → paste_selection shift+middle press grabbed → discard_event Changed mouse actions: left click ungrabbed → mouse_handle_click prompt shift+left press ungrabbed → mouse_selection extend shift+left doublepress ungrabbed → mouse_selection line_from_point right press ungrabbed → mouse_select_command_output Added shortcuts: opt+v → paste_selection_or_clipboard opt+w → close_os_window shift+opt+h → send_text all \x1b[1;3D shift+opt+j → send_text all \x1b[1;3C ctrl+m → create_marker ctrl+w → detach_window ask ctrl+up → scroll_page_up ctrl+down → scroll_page_down ctrl+shift+' → launch --type=overlay --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output /usr/local/bin/code - ctrl+shift+; → launch --type=overlay --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output nvim ctrl+shift+\ → next_layout ctrl+shift+d → debug_config ctrl+shift+i → launch --type=window --location=vsplit --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output sh -c '/usr/local/bin/jq -L ~/.config/jq/libjq "include \"libjq\"; . | schema" --color-output | /usr/local/bin/bat' ctrl+shift+m → toggle_marker iregex 1 "\b(INFO|DEBUG|TRACE|XTRACE)\b" 2 "\b(WARNING)\b" 3 "\b(ERROR|CRITICAL)\b" cmd+. → launch --type=overlay --cwd=current zsh --login cmd+/ → launch --type=overlay --cwd=current ~/.local/etc/opt/kitty/scripts/zsh.fzf.get_shell_module.zsh cmd+[ → scroll_to_prompt -1 cmd+\ → scroll_to_prompt 0 cmd+] → scroll_to_prompt 1 cmd+b → launch --type=tab --location=neighbor --cwd=current zsh -c ranger cmd+d → launch --location=vsplit --cwd=current cmd+e → launch --type=window --location=vsplit nvim cmd+h → combine : previous_tab cmd+i → neighboring_window up cmd+j → neighboring_window left cmd+l → combine : next_tab cmd+m → neighboring_window down cmd+o > a → _hints --type=url --program=default cmd+o > h → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=space --type=hash --program=@ cmd+o > l → _hints --type=line --program=@ cmd+o > o → _hints --type=word --program=@ cmd+o > p → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=ip --program=@ cmd+o > r → _hints --type=path --program=open cmd+o > shift+a → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=url --program=default cmd+o > shift+l → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=line --program=@ cmd+o > shift+o → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=space --type=word --program=@ cmd+o > cmd+a → _hints --type=url --program=default cmd+o > cmd+d → _hints --customize-processing scripts/word.search.google.definition.py cmd+o > cmd+e → _hints --type=hyperlink --linenum-action=self cmd+o > cmd+g → _hints --customize-processing scripts/phrase.search.google.py cmd+o > cmd+h → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=space --type=hash --program=@ cmd+o > cmd+i → _hints --type=path --program='open -a /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code\ -\ Insiders.app' cmd+o > cmd+l → _hints --type=line --program=@ cmd+o > cmd+o → _hints --type=word --program=@ cmd+o > cmd+p → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=ip --program=@ cmd+o > cmd+r → _hints --type=path --program=open cmd+o > cmd+s → _hints --customize-processing scripts/line.search.stackoverflow.py cmd+o > shift+cmd+a → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=url --program=default cmd+o > shift+cmd+l → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=newline --type=line --program=@ cmd+o > shift+cmd+o → _hints --multiple --add-trailing-space=never --multiple-joiner=space --type=word --program=@ cmd+q > q → quit cmd+q > cmd+q → quit cmd+s → launch --type=window --location=split sh -c 'command cd $( command mktemp -d "/tmp/dir.$( command date +%Y.%m.%dT%H.%M.%S ).XXXX" ); exec zsh --login' cmd+u > cmd+e → toggle_layout stack cmd+y → launch --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output --type=clipboard cmd+backspace → send_text all \x1bb shift+cmd+, → load_config_file shift+cmd+b → launch --type=tab --location=before --cwd=current zsh -c ranger shift+cmd+e → launch --type=overlay --cwd=current ranger shift+cmd+f → send_text all Ï shift+cmd+h → move_tab_backward shift+cmd+l → move_tab_forward shift+cmd+n → new_os_window_with_cwd shift+cmd+r → launch --type=window --location=before --cwd=current ranger shift+cmd+s → launch --type=window --location=hsplit sh -c 'command cd $( command mktemp -d "/tmp/dir.$( command date +%Y.%m.%dT%H.%M.%S ).XXXX" ); exec zsh --login' opt+cmd+i → move_window up opt+cmd+j → move_window left opt+cmd+k → move_window right opt+cmd+m → move_window down opt+cmd+enter → toggle_layout stack ctrl+shift+opt+cmd+i → scroll_home ctrl+shift+opt+cmd+m → scroll_end Removed shortcuts: shift+insert → paste_from_selection ctrl+tab → next_tab ctrl+shift++ → change_font_size all +2.0 ctrl+shift+, → move_tab_backward ctrl+shift+- → change_font_size all -2.0 ctrl+shift+. → move_tab_forward ctrl+shift+0 → tenth_window ctrl+shift+1 → first_window ctrl+shift+2 → second_window ctrl+shift+3 → third_window ctrl+shift+4 → fourth_window ctrl+shift+5 → fifth_window ctrl+shift+6 → sixth_window ctrl+shift+7 → seventh_window ctrl+shift+8 → eighth_window ctrl+shift+9 → ninth_window ctrl+shift+= → change_font_size all +2.0 ctrl+shift+[ → previous_window ctrl+shift+] → next_window ctrl+shift+` → move_window_to_top ctrl+shift+a > 1 → set_background_opacity 1 ctrl+shift+a > d → set_background_opacity default ctrl+shift+a > l → set_background_opacity -0.1 ctrl+shift+a > m → set_background_opacity +0.1 ctrl+shift+c → copy_to_clipboard ctrl+shift+e → open_url_with_hints ctrl+shift+f → move_window_forward ctrl+shift+g → show_last_command_output ctrl+shift+p > f → kitten hints --type path --program - ctrl+shift+p > h → kitten hints --type hash --program - ctrl+shift+p > l → kitten hints --type line --program - ctrl+shift+p > n → kitten hints --type linenum ctrl+shift+p > w → kitten hints --type word --program - ctrl+shift+p > y → kitten hints --type hyperlink ctrl+shift+p > shift+f → kitten hints --type path ctrl+shift+q → close_tab ctrl+shift+s → paste_from_selection ctrl+shift+t → new_tab ctrl+shift+v → paste_from_clipboard ctrl+shift+x → scroll_to_prompt 1 ctrl+shift+escape → kitty_shell window ctrl+shift+enter → new_window ctrl+shift+tab → previous_tab ctrl+shift+delete → clear_terminal reset active ctrl+shift+left → previous_tab ctrl+shift+right → next_tab ctrl+shift+up → scroll_line_up ctrl+shift+down → scroll_line_down ctrl+shift+page_up → scroll_page_up ctrl+shift+page_down → scroll_page_down ctrl+shift+home → scroll_home ctrl+shift+end → scroll_end ctrl+shift+f2 → edit_config_file ctrl+shift+f5 → load_config_file ctrl+shift+f6 → debug_config ctrl+shift+f7 → focus_visible_window ctrl+shift+f8 → swap_with_window ctrl+shift+f10 → toggle_maximized ctrl+shift+f11 → toggle_fullscreen ctrl+shift+kp_subtract → change_font_size all -2.0 ctrl+shift+kp_add → change_font_size all +2.0 ctrl+shift+opt+t → set_tab_title cmd++ → change_font_size all +2.0 cmd+c → copy_to_clipboard cmd+v → paste_from_clipboard cmd+enter → new_window cmd+page_up → scroll_page_up cmd+page_down → scroll_page_down cmd+home → scroll_home cmd+end → scroll_end shift+cmd+/ → open_url https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/ shift+cmd+[ → previous_tab shift+cmd+] → next_tab opt+cmd+, → debug_config opt+cmd+r → clear_terminal reset active opt+cmd+s → toggle_macos_secure_keyboard_entry opt+cmd+page_up → scroll_line_up opt+cmd+page_down → scroll_line_down ctrl+cmd+space → kitten unicode_input ctrl+cmd+, → load_config_file ctrl+cmd+f → toggle_fullscreen Changed shortcuts: ctrl+shift+b → launch --type=background --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output sh -c 'tee $(mktemp).html && open $_' ctrl+shift+h → launch --type=tab --stdin-source=@screen_scrollback bat --language bash ctrl+shift+j → launch --type=overlay --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output sh -c '/usr/local/bin/jq --color-output | /usr/local/bin/bat' ctrl+shift+k → launch --type=overlay --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output sh -c '/usr/local/bin/jq -L ~/.local/lib/jq/ "include \"utils\"; . | schema" --color-output | /usr/local/bin/bat' ctrl+shift+l → launch --type=overlay --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output bat --language bash ctrl+shift+n → set_tab_title ctrl+shift+o → launch --type=window --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output bat --language bash ctrl+shift+r → layout_action rotate ctrl+shift+u → launch --type=window --location=hsplit --stdin-source=@last_cmd_output sh -c '/usr/local/bin/jq --color-output | /usr/local/bin/bat' ctrl+shift+w → detach_tab ask ctrl+shift+z → clear_terminal reset active cmd+- → change_font_size all -1.0 cmd+0 → goto_tab 9999 cmd+1 → goto_tab 1 cmd+2 → goto_tab 2 cmd+3 → goto_tab 3 cmd+4 → goto_tab 4 cmd+5 → goto_tab 5 cmd+6 → goto_tab 6 cmd+7 → goto_tab 7 cmd+8 → goto_tab 8 cmd+9 → goto_tab 9 cmd+= → change_font_size all +1.0 cmd+k → neighboring_window right cmd+n → launch --type=tab --location=neighbor --cwd=current zsh --login cmd+r → launch --type=window --cwd=current ranger cmd+t → launch --type=tab --location=neighbor sh -c 'command cd $( command mktemp -d "/tmp/dir.$( command date +%Y.%m.%dT%H.%M.%S ).XXXX" ); exec zsh --login' cmd+w → combine : close_window shift+cmd+- → resize_window shorter 1 shift+cmd+= → resize_window taller 1 shift+cmd+d → launch --location=hsplit --cwd=current shift+cmd+i → launch --allow-remote-control kitty +kitten broadcast shift+cmd+w → close_other_windows_in_tab Colors: active_border_color #424242 active_tab_background #2b303b active_tab_foreground #c0c5ce background #2b303b color0 #757575 color1 #ef5350 color10 #81c784 color11 #ffd8a0 color12 #7eb7ce color13 #c0a5c0 color14 #86c1b9 color15 #f8f8f8 color16 #d08770 color17 #ab7967 color18 #343d46 color19 #4f5b66 color2 #83b580 color20 #a7adba color21 #dfe1e8 color3 #f7ca88 color4 #71a5b9 color5 #ac94ac color6 #86c1b9 color7 #d8d8d8 color8 #757575 color9 #e57373 foreground #e4e4e4 inactive_border_color #424242 inactive_tab_background #2b303b inactive_tab_foreground #757575 mark1_background #43a047 mark1_foreground #ffffff mark2_background #ff6f00 mark2_foreground #ffffff mark3_background #d32f2f mark3_foreground #ffffff tab_bar_background #2b303b url_color #2196f3 Important environment variables seen by the kitty process: PATH /Applications/kitty.app/Contents/MacOS:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin LANG en_US.UTF-8 SHELL /bin/zsh USER akharrou ```
page-down commented 2 years ago

I've seen some users use overlay window as a window-level stack layout.

However, currently the overlay window is ignored when launch gets the active window. It seems that overlay is not designed to be used that way. Currently launch ignores overlay window when getting the active window. The same applies to all new_*_with_cwd actions.

Maybe a new window-level stack layout could be added, instead of using overlay.

Also allowing values like clipboard in the launch --type option I think is strange, just to reuse the -stdin-* options.

... launch ... run arbitrary programs in new windows/tabs. ...

--type <TYPE>
Where to launch the child process, ...

I see several places in the code where values are checked to exclude clipboard,primary, just to make sure launch is doing its main job. This should have been a separate action, listed under the copy/paste category. https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/actions/#copy-paste

If there were such a separate copy action, then the logic for launch to get the active window would not need to be changed, thus not affecting the original design intent.

Otherwise one needs to add another check opts.type not in ('background', 'os-window', 'overlay', 'tab', 'window').

kovidgoyal commented 2 years ago

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 08:49:11PM -0700, page-down wrote:

I've seen some users use overlay window as a window-level stack layout.

I dont see how that would work since you cant switch between overlays and underlying window.

Overlays are meant for popups, prompts, kittens etc. They are not meant to be used as long term primary windows. So I would say this is working as designed.

Maybe a new window-level stack layout could be added, instead of using overlay.

Not something I see the use case for. If you want a stack of windows, there is the stack layout. Creating a window level stack will just mean a whole new set of keybindings and possibly UI to navigate that stack. Definitely not worth it.

Also allowing values like clipboard in the launch --type option I think is strange, just to reuse the -stdin-* options.

... launch ... run arbitrary programs in new windows/tabs. ...

--type <TYPE>
Where to launch the child process, ...

I see several places in the code where values are checked to exclude clipboard,primary, just to make sure launch is doing its main job. This should have been a separate action, listed under the copy/paste category. https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/actions/#copy-paste

You are welcome to create such an action and send a PR. We can deprecate the use of clipboard/primary in launch in favor of the new action.

If there were such a separate copy action, then the logic for launch to get the active window would not need to be changed, thus not affecting the original design intent.

Its not going to be changed. I agree that creating a separate action is a better solution. That action can take an option of whether to consider overlays or not.

I am closing this bug as launch is working as intended. If you wish to work on the PR let me know, otherwise I will get to it eventually.

akharrou commented 2 years ago

I just want to add an example use-case that I've found interesting for overlays:

  1. you launch a new os-window, or a new tab, or new window pane, with a file explorer (e.g. ranger, lf)
  2. then navigate to whatever folder you want, do whatever you do in the explorer
  3. then when you need a shell inside that folder, instead of replacing the file explorer with a shell program, or have it to the side or in a new tab, you create a shell program overlay window, preserving the file explorer "under it", with all the 'in-app-tabs' (e.g. ranger tabs), and things you have open and going on, and work in that overlay.
  4. when your done your intervention, you just close that overlay window, and your back in the file explorer with all things preserved as they were
  • i've also found it nice to quickly lookup documentation/manual pages, without adding more tabs, or windows to the sides, and while preserving what i'm doing in the current shell program

i've personally found this a useful and powerful workflow, and i'm sure there's more use-cases. aside from simple pop-ups, overlay windows, i think could, and do, add a dimension to window management that can be powerful !

page-down commented 2 years ago

I dont see how that would work ... Overlays are meant for ... They are not meantto be used as long term primary windows. ...

Yes, unfortunately not all users are aware of this and not all features are supported on overlay. And they really enjoy with overlay.


a new window-level stack layout

Not something I see the use case for. ...

I believe they use kitty as a tiling window manager for terminal windows. (Can these wm switch the windows in the layout, like stack?)

... launch is working as intended ...

Yes, I believe so, any operations should target the base window, not the overlay.

You are welcome to create such an action and send a PR. We can deprecate the use of clipboard/primary in launch in favor of the new action.

That's a good way to go.

kovidgoyal commented 2 years ago

@akharrou FYI, I would be very surprised if your file manager doesnt have a key binding to suspend itself, like ctrl-z in vim then you can use the shell and simply run fg to return. There shouldnt be a need of overlay windows in this case.