Open Source issue tracker and project management tool for software developers and project managers. Designed as a web application written in PHP.
PHP 5.4.X (or newer) - (for 5.3 you need to set short_open_tag=On in php.ini) MySQL 5.X Apache HTTP Server (or compatible) mod_rewrite (or compatible)
Download the vermis sources from http://
Unpack it to your public_html directory (or different) used by your web server.
Create a new MySQL database or use an existing one. For example:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vermis.* to vermis@localhost identified by 'vermis';
Copy config/sample.config.php to config/config.php and edit values inside.
Import SQL database.
mysql vermis --user=vermis --password=vermis < database.sql
mkdir _vermis/upload
mkdir _vermis/upload/tmp
mkdir _vermis/upload/issues
mkdir _vermis/captcha
mkdir _vermis/log
chmod -R ugo=rwx _vermis/upload _vermis/captcha _vermis/log
Web server configuration
Make sure that your Apache web server has mod_rewrite enabled, and in your vhost settings there is a following line:
AllowOverride All