kpehl / weather-dashboard

An interactive weather dashboard that provides a user with current conditions and a five day forecast for city entered into the search form. The 10 most recent searches are retained, and clicking on a retained search will bring up the most recent data for that city.
MIT License
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Weather Dashboard

Page Description

This page provides a weather dashboard for a user. The user can search for a city with the form. The current date is displayed with the moment API. The Open Weather Map APIs are used to retrieve the current conditions: weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and UV index; and a 5 day forecast for the city. The most recent 10 searches are retained in local storage and populated on a list below the search form. Clicking on a recent search will bring up the latest result for that city and move the city to the top of the recent searches list. API errors are captured and displayed in a user friendly format before reloading the page to try another search.

Tools Used

Other Resources

The alternate, more detailed and stylized weather icons are courtesy of Weather Icons ( They are licensed under SIL Open Font License (, which allows for use in personal and commercial projects with attribution.

Page Link

The page is hosted at

