kraflab / dsda-doom

This is a successor of prboom+ with extra tooling for demo recording and playback, with a focus on speedrunning and quality of life.
301 stars 81 forks source link

Automap aliasing (?) issue #482

Open observeroftime01 opened 5 months ago

observeroftime01 commented 5 months ago

I would hop on discord and ask the question there, but I don't have a discord account but I do have a github account, so here goes nothing (even if it will ultimately be a waste of time because of something in my config or what have you):

Necessary details:

Command line parameter using dsda-doom-0.27.5 `"./dsda-doom.exe" -iwad "DOOM2.WAD" -file "10X10.wad"`
System Summary ``` Operating System Windows 10 Pro 64-bit CPU Intel Core i5 6300U @ 2.40GHz 40 °C Skylake-U/Y 14nm Technology RAM 8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 (14-17-17-40) Motherboard Microsoft Corporation Surface Book (U3E1) Graphics VVX14P048M00 (3000x2000@60Hz) Intel HD Graphics 520 (Microsoft) Storage 119GB SAMSUNG MZFLV128HCGR-000MV (Unknown (SSD)) Audio Realtek High Definition Audio(SST) ```
dsda-doom.cfg ``` # Doom config file # Format: # variable value # System settings process_priority 0 # Misc settings vanilla_keymap 0 menu_background 1 max_player_corpse 32 flashing_hom 0 demo_smoothturns 0 demo_smoothturnsfactor 6 screenshot_dir "" startup_delay_ms 0 ansi_endoom 0 announce_map 0 # Game settings default_compatibility_level 21 default_skill 4 weapon_attack_alignment 0 sts_always_red 1 sts_pct_always_gray 0 sts_traditional_keys 0 show_messages 1 autorun 1 deh_apply_cheats 1 movement_strafe50 0 movement_strafe50onturns 0 movement_shorttics 0 # Sound settings pitched_sounds 0 full_sounds 0 snd_samplerate 44100 snd_samplecount 0 sfx_volume 8 music_volume 8 mus_pause_opt 1 snd_channels 32 snd_midiplayer "fluidsynth" snd_mididev "" snd_soundfont "" mus_fluidsynth_chorus 0 mus_fluidsynth_reverb 0 mus_fluidsynth_gain 50 mus_fluidsynth_chorus_depth 500 mus_fluidsynth_chorus_level 35 mus_fluidsynth_reverb_damp 40 mus_fluidsynth_reverb_level 15 mus_fluidsynth_reverb_width 400 mus_fluidsynth_reverb_room_size 60 mus_opl_gain 50 mus_opl_opl3mode 1 mus_portmidi_reset_type "gm" mus_portmidi_reset_delay 0 mus_portmidi_filter_sysex 1 mus_portmidi_reverb_level -1 mus_portmidi_chorus_level -1 # Video settings videomode "Software" screen_resolution "3000x2000" custom_resolution "" use_fullscreen 1 exclusive_fullscreen 0 render_vsync 0 uncapped_framerate 1 boom_translucent_sprites 1 screenblocks 10 usegamma 0 dsda_fps_limit 0 sdl_video_window_pos "center" palette_ondamage 1 palette_onbonus 1 palette_onpowers 1 render_wipescreen 1 render_screen_multiply 1 integer_scaling 0 render_aspect 3 render_doom_lightmaps 0 fake_contrast_mode 1 render_stretch_hud 1 render_patches_scalex 0 render_patches_scaley 0 render_stretchsky 1 allow_freelook 0 # OpenGL settings gl_render_multisampling 0 gl_render_fov 90 gl_skymode 0 gl_health_bar 0 gl_usevbo 1 gl_fade_mode 0 # Mouse settings use_mouse 1 mouse_stutter_correction 1 mouse_sensitivity_horiz 15 dsda_fine_sensitivity 0 mouse_sensitivity_vert 1 dsda_mouse_acceleration 0 mouse_sensitivity_mlook 10 mouse_doubleclick_as_use 0 mouse_carrytics 1 movement_vertmouse 0 movement_mousestrafedivisor 4 movement_mouseinvert 0 # Game controller settings use_game_controller 0 left_analog_deadzone 6556 right_analog_deadzone 6556 left_trigger_deadzone 6556 right_trigger_deadzone 6556 left_analog_sensitivity_x 100 left_analog_sensitivity_y 100 right_analog_sensitivity_x 1536 right_analog_sensitivity_y 768 analog_look_acceleration 0 swap_analogs 0 invert_analog_look 0 # Automap settings mapcolor_back 247 mapcolor_grid 104 mapcolor_wall 23 mapcolor_fchg 55 mapcolor_cchg 215 mapcolor_clsd 208 mapcolor_rkey 175 mapcolor_bkey 204 mapcolor_ykey 231 mapcolor_rdor 175 mapcolor_bdor 204 mapcolor_ydor 231 mapcolor_tele 119 mapcolor_secr 252 mapcolor_revsecr 112 mapcolor_exit 0 mapcolor_unsn 104 mapcolor_flat 88 mapcolor_sprt 112 mapcolor_item 231 mapcolor_hair 208 mapcolor_sngl 208 mapcolor_me 112 mapcolor_enemy 177 mapcolor_frnd 112 map_blinking_locks 1 map_secret_after 0 map_coordinates 1 map_totals 1 map_time 1 map_title 1 automap_overlay 0 automap_rotate 1 automap_follow 1 automap_grid 0 map_grid_size 128 map_scroll_speed 32 map_wheel_zoom 1 map_use_multisampling 0 map_textured 0 map_textured_trans 100 map_textured_overlay_trans 66 map_lines_overlay_trans 100 map_things_appearance 2 # Heads-up display settings hud_health_red 25 hud_health_yellow 50 hud_health_green 100 hud_ammo_red 25 hud_ammo_yellow 50 hud_displayed 0 hudadd_secretarea 1 hudadd_demoprogressbar 1 hudadd_crosshair 5 hudadd_crosshair_scale 0 hudadd_crosshair_color 3 hudadd_crosshair_health 1 hudadd_crosshair_target 1 hudadd_crosshair_target_color 9 hudadd_crosshair_lock_target 0 # DSDA-Doom settings dsda_strict_mode 1 dsda_cycle_ghost_colors 0 dsda_auto_key_frame_interval 1 dsda_auto_key_frame_depth 60 dsda_auto_key_frame_timeout 10 dsda_exhud 0 ex_text_scale_x 0 ex_text_ratio_y 0 dsda_free_text "" dsda_wipe_at_full_speed 1 dsda_show_demo_attempts 1 dsda_hide_horns 0 dsda_hide_weapon 0 dsda_organized_saves 1 dsda_command_display 0 dsda_command_history_size 10 dsda_hide_empty_commands 1 dsda_coordinate_display 0 dsda_show_fps 0 dsda_show_minimap 0 dsda_show_level_splits 1 dsda_skip_quit_prompt 0 dsda_show_split_data 1 dsda_player_name "Anonymous" dsda_quickstart_cache_tics 0 dsda_death_use_action 0 dsda_mute_sfx 0 dsda_mute_music 0 dsda_cheat_codes 1 dsda_allow_jumping 0 dsda_parallel_sfx_limit 0 dsda_parallel_sfx_window 1 dsda_movement_toggle_sfx 0 dsda_switch_when_ammo_runs_out 1 dsda_viewbob 1 dsda_weaponbob 1 dsda_quake_intensity 100 dsda_organize_failed_demos 0 # Scripts dsda_script_0 "" dsda_script_1 "" dsda_script_2 "" dsda_script_3 "" dsda_script_4 "" dsda_script_5 "" dsda_script_6 "" dsda_script_7 "" dsda_script_8 "" dsda_script_9 "" # Video capture encoding settings cap_soundcommand "ffmpeg -f s16le -ar %s -ac 2 -i - -c:a libopus -y temp_a.nut" cap_videocommand "ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r %r -s %wx%h -i - -c:v libx264 -y temp_v.nut" cap_muxcommand "ffmpeg -i temp_v.nut -i temp_a.nut -c copy -y %f" cap_tempfile1 "temp_a.nut" cap_tempfile2 "temp_v.nut" cap_remove_tempfiles 1 cap_wipescreen 0 cap_fps 60 # Overrun settings overrun_spechit_warn 0 overrun_spechit_emulate 1 overrun_reject_warn 0 overrun_reject_emulate 1 overrun_intercept_warn 0 overrun_intercept_emulate 1 overrun_playeringame_warn 0 overrun_playeringame_emulate 1 overrun_donut_warn 0 overrun_donut_emulate 0 overrun_missedbackside_warn 0 overrun_missedbackside_emulate 0 # Mapping error compatibility settings comperr_passuse 0 comperr_hangsolid 0 comperr_blockmap 0 comperr_freeaim 0 # Weapon preferences weapon_choice_1 6 weapon_choice_2 9 weapon_choice_3 4 weapon_choice_4 3 weapon_choice_5 2 weapon_choice_6 8 weapon_choice_7 5 weapon_choice_8 7 weapon_choice_9 1 # Input settings input_profile 0 input_forward 119 2 -1 | 119 2 -1 | 119 2 -1 input_backward 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 input_turnleft 172 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 input_turnright 113,174 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 input_speed 182 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_strafeleft 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 input_straferight 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 input_strafe 0 1 9 | 0 1 9 | 0 1 9 input_autorun 186 -1 7 | 186 -1 7 | 186 -1 7 input_reverse 47 -1 8 | 47 -1 8 | 47 -1 8 input_use 101 -1 -1 | 32 -1 0 | 32 -1 0 input_flyup 46 -1 11 | 46 -1 11 | 46 -1 11 input_flydown 44 -1 12 | 44 -1 12 | 44 -1 12 input_flycenter 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_mlook 92 -1 -1 | 92 -1 -1 | 92 -1 -1 input_novert 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_weapon1 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 input_weapon2 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 input_weapon3 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 input_weapon4 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 input_weapon5 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 input_weapon6 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 input_weapon7 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 input_weapon8 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 input_weapon9 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 input_nextweapon 0 -1 3 | 0 -1 3 | 0 -1 3 input_prevweapon 0 -1 2 | 0 -1 2 | 0 -1 2 input_toggleweapon 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 input_fire 32 -1 -1 | 157 0 22 | 157 0 22 input_pause 255 -1 -1 | 255 -1 -1 | 255 -1 -1 input_map 9 -1 21 | 9 -1 21 | 9 -1 21 input_soundvolume 190 -1 -1 | 190 -1 -1 | 190 -1 -1 input_hud 191 -1 -1 | 191 -1 -1 | 191 -1 -1 input_messages 194 -1 -1 | 194 -1 -1 | 194 -1 -1 input_gamma 215 -1 -1 | 215 -1 -1 | 215 -1 -1 input_spy 216 -1 -1 | 216 -1 -1 | 216 -1 -1 input_zoomin 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 input_zoomout 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 input_screenshot 42 -1 -1 | 42 -1 -1 | 42 -1 -1 input_savegame 188 -1 -1 | 188 -1 -1 | 188 -1 -1 input_loadgame 189 -1 -1 | 189 -1 -1 | 189 -1 -1 input_quicksave 192 -1 -1 | 192 -1 -1 | 192 -1 -1 input_quickload 195 -1 -1 | 195 -1 -1 | 195 -1 -1 input_endgame 193 -1 -1 | 193 -1 -1 | 193 -1 -1 input_quit 196 -1 -1 | 196 -1 -1 | 196 -1 -1 input_map_follow 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 input_map_zoomin 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 | 61 -1 -1 input_map_zoomout 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 | 45 -1 -1 input_map_up 173 -1 -1 | 173 -1 -1 | 173 -1 -1 input_map_down 175 -1 -1 | 175 -1 -1 | 175 -1 -1 input_map_left 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 input_map_right 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 input_map_mark 109 -1 -1 | 109 -1 -1 | 109 -1 -1 input_map_clear 99 -1 -1 | 99 -1 -1 | 99 -1 -1 input_map_gobig 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 | 48 -1 -1 input_map_grid 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 input_map_rotate 114 -1 -1 | 114 -1 -1 | 114 -1 -1 input_map_overlay 111 -1 -1 | 111 -1 -1 | 111 -1 -1 input_map_textured 116 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_repeat_message 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_speed_up 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_speed_down 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_speed_default 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_demo_skip 0 -1 -1 | 210 -1 -1 | 210 -1 -1 input_demo_endlevel 0 -1 -1 | 207 -1 -1 | 207 -1 -1 input_walkcamera 304 -1 -1 | 304 -1 -1 | 304 -1 -1 input_join_demo 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_restart 199 -1 -1 | 199 -1 -1 | 199 -1 -1 input_nextlevel 209 -1 -1 | 209 -1 -1 | 209 -1 -1 input_showalive 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_menu_down 175 -1 12 | 175 -1 12 | 175 -1 12 input_menu_up 173 -1 11 | 173 -1 11 | 173 -1 11 input_menu_left 172 -1 13 | 172 -1 13 | 172 -1 13 input_menu_right 174 -1 14 | 174 -1 14 | 174 -1 14 input_menu_backspace 127 -1 1 | 127 -1 1 | 127 -1 1 input_menu_enter 13 -1 0 | 13 -1 0 | 13 -1 0 input_menu_escape 27 -1 6 | 27 -1 6 | 27 -1 6 input_menu_clear 200 -1 4 | 200 -1 4 | 200 -1 4 input_iddqd 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idkfa 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idfa 106 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idclip 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdh 107 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdm 108 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdv 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholds 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdi 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdr 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholda 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idbeholdl 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idmypos 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_idrate 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_iddt 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_ponce 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_shazam 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_chicken 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_lookup 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_lookdown 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_lookcenter 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_use_artifact 0 -1 10 | 182 -1 10 | 182 -1 10 input_arti_tome 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_quartz 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_urn 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_bomb 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_ring 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_chaosdevice 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_shadowsphere 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_wings 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_torch 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_arti_morph 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_invleft 236 -1 13 | 236 -1 13 | 236 -1 13 input_invright 235 -1 14 | 235 -1 14 | 235 -1 14 input_store_quick_key_frame 59 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_restore_quick_key_frame 39 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_rewind 207 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_cycle_profile 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_cycle_palette 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_command_display 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_strict_mode 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_console 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_coordinate_display 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_fps 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_avj 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_exhud 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_mute_sfx 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_mute_music 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_cheat_codes 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_notarget 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_freeze 112 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_build 210 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_build_advance_frame 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 | 174 -1 -1 input_build_reverse_frame 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 | 172 -1 -1 input_build_reset_command 200 -1 -1 | 200 -1 -1 | 200 -1 -1 input_build_source 182 -1 -1 | 182 -1 -1 | 182 -1 -1 input_build_forward 119 -1 -1 | 119 -1 -1 | 119 -1 -1 input_build_backward 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 | 115 -1 -1 input_build_fine_forward 116 -1 -1 | 116 -1 -1 | 116 -1 -1 input_build_fine_backward 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 | 103 -1 -1 input_build_turn_left 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 | 113 -1 -1 input_build_turn_right 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 | 101 -1 -1 input_build_strafe_left 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 | 97 -1 -1 input_build_strafe_right 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 | 100 -1 -1 input_build_fine_strafe_left 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 | 102 -1 -1 input_build_fine_strafe_right 104 -1 -1 | 104 -1 -1 | 104 -1 -1 input_build_use 32 -1 -1 | 32 -1 -1 | 32 -1 -1 input_build_fire 157 -1 -1 | 157 -1 -1 | 157 -1 -1 input_build_weapon1 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 | 49 -1 -1 input_build_weapon2 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 | 50 -1 -1 input_build_weapon3 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 | 51 -1 -1 input_build_weapon4 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 | 52 -1 -1 input_build_weapon5 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 | 53 -1 -1 input_build_weapon6 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 | 54 -1 -1 input_build_weapon7 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 | 55 -1 -1 input_build_weapon8 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 | 56 -1 -1 input_build_weapon9 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 | 57 -1 -1 input_jump 184 -1 1 | 184 -1 1 | 184 -1 1 input_hexen_arti_incant 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_summon 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_disk 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_flechette 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_banishment 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_boots 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_krater 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_hexen_arti_bracers 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_0 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_1 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_2 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_3 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_4 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_5 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_6 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_7 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_8 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 input_script_9 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 | 0 -1 -1 ```

Onto the issue: My automap looks like this, which makes it borderline unusable. No, this is not a screenshot artifact, it looks like this no matter the zoom level. image

Enhance: image

Even rotating the map (yuck) does this, but it becomes somewhat more usable: image

I think making the lines a pixel or two wider would solve this issue on my end, but I can't find the relevant configuration parameters (if such a thing exists). The artifacting / aliasing issue exists no matter the resolution (3000x2000 is my native resolution though). I thought I'd check a tangentially related source port PrBoomPlus to see if the issue exists there also, and it does not. Really no other video-related or other issues present, the application runs absolutely fine otherwise and I am shocked at the performance of my ancient Surface Book. The issue is also not present on my desktop system, so I'm afraid it might be something about my laptop.

I have tried:

  1. Different video modes
  2. Different resolutions
  3. Fullscreen or windowed
  4. Deleting my dsda-doom.cfg
  5. Trying out a fresh install
  6. Playing a different pwad entirely

If this is a case of PEBKAC feel free to close the issue and I apologize for wasting everyone's time, although I hope the person who read this learned a useful acronym at least. If this is a legitimate issue, I would appreciate any advice to remedy the situation. I have already written half a novel where a picture would have probably sufficed, so if any more details are needed I'd be happy to provide them.

Thank you for your time.

andrey-budko commented 5 months ago

I can reproduce on fullscreen resolutions larger than native

SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1") makes it better, but still awful.


observeroftime01 commented 5 months ago

I can reproduce on fullscreen resolutions larger than native

SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "1") makes it better, but still awful.

Is this an option I can set in the config somewhere or is this code that needs compiling? If it's a config option I will try it (though I can't find "SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY" anywhere), otherwise I'm in over my head. The bottom image at least looks better compared to the other image with the gaps between the lines. That makes looking for switches, secrets and such quite a challenge.

I have also just double checked that the issue is present in all resolution presets on my end, native resolution or otherwise. Here's a screenshot from a 1920x1080 at a 16:9 ratio:

Screenshots ![image]( ![image](

Interestingly, I tried OpenGL video mode one more time, and the issue is not present there for whatever reason. When I first submitted the issue I swear I tried OpenGL video mode, but hey, maybe this helps track down the bug. It appears to be related to the software render (I know, super helpful...).

Thank you for successfully reproducing the issue though, makes me feel a little less lonely with my issue 😅.

andrey-budko commented 5 months ago

I don't think I reproduced the issue in its original sense. It's normal if after scaling down using nearest neighbor filtering, lines with a thickness of one pixel can disappear. Not sure why this happens with native resolution and even windowed. I think that in this case scaling should not be applied.