krausest / js-framework-benchmark

A comparison of the performance of a few popular javascript frameworks
Apache License 2.0
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What browser versions should be supported? #243

Closed mixonic closed 6 years ago

mixonic commented 7 years ago

Howdy! Similar to, I want to try and make sure the additions I make here are as equitable as possible.

With that in mind, what kind of browser support should we be compiling for? Just latest Chrome, or IE9+, etc?

krausest commented 7 years ago

Good question! I’m not sure if the results can be generalized to other browsers, currently only chrome is in the focus (the other would be firefox but I haven‘t found a way to extract performance data from it). Thus I’d say we require chrome only. If we decide otherwise I‘d say a test to verify that a benchmark implementation runs on all target browsers would be needed. Other opinions?

gheoan commented 7 years ago

Some framework focus on Chrome performance, so it would be interesting to see results from other browsers.

krausest commented 7 years ago

@gheoan: That would certainly be interesting, but I haven't found a good way to do so. Do you have good pointers how to achieve this with firefox?

Until then the only requirement for this benchmark is that the latest stable chrome browser must be supported. Reason: I can neither enforce nor check other requirements and the question what browsers an application should and thus a framework must support isn't in the scope of this benchmark.

trotyl commented 7 years ago

I guess the original question is about what browser should the application support:

With that in mind, what kind of browser support should we be compiling for? Just latest Chrome, or IE9+, etc?

Instead of what browser should be tested for benchmark. So all the apps could have a generalized compiling target (es2017/es2016/es2015/es5).

Currently some of the testing apps are using babel-presets-env resulting in a potentially different compilation level:

"presets": [
      "targets": {
        "browsers": [
          "last 2 versions",
          "not ie <= 10"
      "loose": true,
      "modules": false

I think it's better to require all apps compiling to valid es5 (including es5.1) so the browser optimization could be at same level, this should be easy to achieve, just run an extra e2e on PhantomJS and make sure it's running successfully.

For the performance result on different browsers, it's also an interesting topic, but could be decided later.

krausest commented 7 years ago

@trotyl I'd allow them to support the es feature level of the latest stable chrome version. If for some reason transpiling to es5 yields better results for a benchmark implementation or it's just the way the framework is supposed to be used it should also be allowed to choose an older target. Let's just not hamper using modern es versions.

trotyl commented 7 years ago

@krausest Current output levels are:

Framework Language Level Transpiler
AngularJS es5 By Babel
Angular es5 By Closure
Aurelia not fixed but possibily es5 By Babel
Binding.scala es5 By Scala.js
Bobril es5 By TypeScript
Choo es5 By Browserify plugin es2020
CycleJS es5 By Babel
Datum es5 By Babel
Dio es5 By Babel
Dojo es5 By TypeScript
DomVM es5 By Buble
Elm es5 By Elm
Ember es5 By Babel via Ember CLI
Etch es5 By Babel
Glimmer es5 By TypeScript via Ember CLI
Gruu es5 By Babel
Halogen es5 By PureScript
HyperApp es5 By Babel
Inferno es5 By Babel
Ivi es5 By Closure
Knockout es5 By Babel
Marionette es5 By Babel
Marko es5 By Buble
Mithril es5 By Babel
Moon not fixed but currently es5 By Hand
NX es2015 By Hand
Petit es5 By Babel
Pico not fixed but currently es5 By Hand
Plastiq es5 By Babel
Polymer es5 By Babel via Polymer-CLI
Preact es5 By Babel
Pux es5 By PureScript
Ractive es5 By Babel
React-lite es5 By Babel
React es5 By Babel
Re-DOM es5 By Buble
Reflex-DOM es5 By GHCJS
Riot es5 By Babel
Rx-DOMH es5 By Babel
Simulacra es5 By Babel
SlimJS es5 By Babel
Stem es5 By Babel
Surplus es5 By TypeScript
Svelte es5 By Buble
Thermite es5 By PureScript
Tsur es5 By Babel
VanillaJS es5 By Babel
Vidom es5 By Babel
Vue es5 By Babel

So looks like es5 is currently a defacto standard for all testing apps.

If es5 is not required, we could change the compiling target to highest supported version (es2016 or es2017) and let Chrome optimize them at will.

Otherwise, we should change the level of NX and fix the level of some others to make it fair.

I suggest to add a suggestion to README for either:

trotyl commented 7 years ago

For information:

It would likely just be a user decision for using es2015 or not (in many of these apps), so I think that should be guided/documented in this project.

krausest commented 7 years ago

@trotyl Thanks for your research! I tend to add the second suggestion to the README.

krausest commented 7 years ago

@trotyl Thought about it again - why "should" and not just "may" it use the highest language level available? Isn't using es6+ attractive regarding the file size? If so the startup benchmark might be enough motivation such that people choose the highest possible level. Maybe I should measure whether the language level has any significant impact on the performance first. Would you think it does?

trotyl commented 7 years ago

Now I think the consistency is possibly too big to go. Some frameworks (like Angular, Glimmer, ivi, Petit-DOM, ...) has es5 and es2015 (or plus) builds released while others have es5 only.

So there will also be composition problem:

I'd like to not care about them anymore...

solkimicreb commented 6 years ago

Hi, I am the author of NX (which seems like the only non transpiled framework)

I a chose not to transpile it, as it would make a false impression of actually supporting ES5. Most of my libraries use ES2015 Proxies, which can not be transpiled or polyfilled. Transpiling the code won't make it work in older browsers. FYI, this will likely happen with some other popular libraries too. Vue and MobX already plan to migrate to Proxies (with probably a maintained legacy version). If you want to stay future proof, I think it would be nicer to add a badge/disclaimer or separate section for ES2015 frameworks.

Also I had to take some break from NX and I can't continue its development for the next few months too. It is still in beta and I am okay if you just exclude it (delete it) until you decide how to deal with this.

EDIT: I am also authoring React-Easy-State, which is also ES2015 Proxy based. I am only transpiling it to support old tooling (Webpack and Create React App can't minify ES2015 code yet). Once Webpack switches to a newer version of UglifyJS I plan to remove the transpilation from that library too (as it would add literally zero value).

gheoan commented 6 years ago

@krausest here is a benchmark that tests es2015 vs es5 speed.

krausest commented 6 years ago

Resolution: Frameworks can choose any language level or features that works with the following babel-preset-env setting:

"presets": [
        ["env", {
          "targets": {
            "browsers": ["last 1 chrome versions"]