kris-chin / .dotfiles

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Debian Bootstrapping Todo #19

Open kris-chin opened 2 months ago

kris-chin commented 2 months ago


Core Fixes:


kris-chin commented 2 months ago

For WSL:

I ended up needing to re-run the script approx 3 times.

Neovim Permissions Issue

There's an ongoing bug though where neovim still isn't properly installing "lazy" properly, not sure how to fix this yet it's related to permissions.

There's also emacs... Oh little emacs...


In order to get the emacs gui to show up, we need to make sure that we can run X on top of WSL. Currently, I don't think we are doing that.


I found an advanced tutorial for automated-installation. I should check this out


Apparently, the terminal needs to be reset in order for nvm to be recognized (probably due to a new env var being exported). I need to add

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

somewhere so I can use it during the script, so far, NVM still wasn't even recognized.

rustc and cargo upon installation

rustc and cargo have some errors upon initial install. not sure why. maybe the universe repository isnt added initially?

gem still not properly building gems

so, I have ruby, ruby-dev, and make, i saw somewhere that WSL specifically also needs build-essential? also gcc as another thing. gcc should already be installed, but i guess i'll add it to the config just in case. (neovim also needed gcc for a plugin)

init files not sourced

after successful installation, it seems like zsh isn't opening with the new config? my zshrc isn't being loaded. the issue: my .zshrc was not being replaced with the symlink, so it was loading the old .zshrc. im not sure why dotbot doesnt override this. i don't know how to fix this. this also happened with .bashrc as well sometimes on mint