kris-chin / .dotfiles

my dotfiles!
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chin's Dotfiles

Just my dotfiles!


  1. Clone the .dotfiles repo into your home directory.

  2. Run the install script by itself to do the initial setup. Add additional arguments to also include system-specific setup.

Argument Description
No Argument Creates symlinks into the home directory
minimal A package-manager agnostic, minimal setup. Doesn't install zsh
rustup Installs rust and rustup
debian Installs debian packages and additional software
arch Installs arch packages and additional software
emacs-debian Installs deps via apt, Builds emacs from source, and then installs doom
emacs-arch Installs doom, assuming emacs is already installed

Note: these confs can be found in the setup/ directory. I'll add more as I continue to make changes.

  1. Done!

A simple, minimal setup for WSL

  1. Install zsh via your package manager eg. sudo apt install zsh

  2. Install minimal setup ./install minimal

  3. Install rustup ./install rustup

  4. Install emacs ./install emacs-debian

  5. Install SyncThing and configure it... manually :(

Cool Stuff!