krywenko / WVC-Inverter-R2-R3-HC-12--and--Modem

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Thanks! works with WVC700-R3 over hc-12 #3

Open dlarue opened 3 years ago

dlarue commented 3 years ago

I could not get comms working via the R3 modem either with apps over over RS232 but with an HC-12 on an FTDI dongle your wvc script is talking with the inverters.

Now, to get this integrated into Frey's Node Red system.

krywenko commented 3 years ago

you are welcome

dlarue commented 3 years ago

Do you know of anyone who has upgraded an inverter from powerline comms to hc-12 comms? ie removed the powerline board from a wvc300 r2 and replaced with an HC-12?

I'm running into problems as I see the hc-12 receiving the request( xf2, h1, h2, x65, m1, m2, m3, m4 ) but the tx of the 16F877 remains pulled high at 5V.

I've verified the hc-12 works by using it with wvc to send/recv data from an r3 inverter and I verified settings sending AT command to show settings( 9600, FU3 ).

krywenko commented 3 years ago

sorry I know of no one personally

dlarue commented 3 years ago

FYI, I was not having success with an HC-12 connected to a wvc300 which originally had a powerline modem but I wired up a 5V FTDI and talked to it and recieved data. So it looks like the inverters require a 5V variant of the HC-12 or one with level shifters.