krywenko / WVC-Inverter-R2-R3-HC-12--and--Modem

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bash serial interfcace using interceptty as serial sniffer . It works with both the original WVC r2 modem for r2 inverters ( 2 byte inverters IDs). It also works with HC-12 module - this will work with all versions of WVC inverter 2 byte inverter IDs (R2) and 4 byte inverter IDs (R3). prerequisite additional software: interceptty ( serial sniffer), jq ( Json query software)

interceptty --

jq - found in your distro software libary

if installing on openwrt router you will also need to install

for openwrt Compatiblity _ install bash grep stty bc tac the openwrt binary for interceptty are found in the interceptty folder plus you need to modify line ps -efww in wvc and remove the ps arguements -efww

the command line for HC-12 module-

wvc /dev/ttyUSB0 /home/user/WVC/wvc.ini fb041185 hc

command line for WVC modem - fb041185 being your modem ID

wvc /dev/ttyUSB0 /home/stephen/WCVF/wvc.ini fb041185 modem

modify wvc.ini to match your inverter IDs

supported inverters are WVC295, WVC300, WVC350, WVC600,WVC700 WVC850, WVC1200 and WVC1400

R2 and R3 denote the inverter versions

