kshawkin / Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries

Best Practices for TEI in Libraries: A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI
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Best Practices for TEI in Libraries

This repository contains the ODD source files for Best Practices for TEI in Libraries: A guide for mass digitization, automated workflows, and promotion of interoperability with XML using the TEI.

Getting a copy

The derived documentation and schemas from these source ODD files may be available on Syd’s temporary build page. Note that all builds until beta testing are version “4.0.0a” (and we expect the beta test versions will all be “4.0.0b” :-), so that page is just a landing page that forwards you to the latest build directory, using the timestamp as part of the directory name so you can tell which version you are reading.

If they are not available there, or if you are looking for different derived output, you can build the outputs yourself. See “Building” below.

Getting a copy of the source, contributing

To check out a copy of this repository to your local system use:

   git clone https://github.com/kshawkin/Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries.git

You can look at, play with, and even modify the files to your heart’s content. If you like to submit your changes to the editors for inclusion, issue a pull request. (I.e., surf over to the pull URL and click on “New pull request”.)

If you’d like to submit a bug report or feature request, use the GitHub issue tracker.


main method

The main method for generating

is to create a clone of the repository on a GNU/Linux system, switch to the Best-Practices-for-TEI-in-Libraries/BestPractices/ directory, and then use the bptl-build-script.bash command.

That command is not written to be particularly friendly like a typical Debian package, or even like the typical ./configure ; make ; make install. If there is sufficient demand we can put time into doing that, but for the moment it seems human resources could be spent better elsewhere.

SO, the bptl-build-script.bash command is not the easiest thing in the world to use. It needs to know where to find a variety of resources including:

It takes a wild stab at where these might be, but is more often wrong than right. So to use the command, you need to supply the proper locations of these things. This is done by setting a shell variable immediately prior to command invocation. E.g.

   XSLDIR=/home/syd/Documents/Stylesheets P5SRC=../TEIC_TEI/P5/p5subset.xml bptl-build-script.bash

sets the $XSLDIR and $P5SRC environment variables before calling the command. The command takes a special switch, -p (for “print paths”) which just writes out a commandline with all environment variables set to their defaults. So a typical way to use this command is to:

  1. Just issue it at the commandline, cross your fingers, and hope it works.
  2. If not, issue the command again with the -p switch.
  3. Copy the output of the above step to the commandline, and change the paths as needed.

Note that

The -h switch will give you 1-line help, the -H switch long-winded help, and the -d switch will generate lots of debugging code.

other methods


There are a variety of other ways to generate schemas from the ODD which may work for you. (And remember to generate both ISO Schematron and RELAX NG; or, if for some reason you can’t use RELAX NG you can also generate DTDs or W3C XML Schema).

  1. Submit the ODD files the TEI Roma website
  2. Install roma[1] on your machine[2] issue something like roma2 --patternprefix=lib3_ --noxsd --dochtml --nodtd --isoschematron lib3.odd .
  3. In oXygen, use the TEI ODD transformation scenarios.

HTML documentation

To generate the main HTML documentation for the entire system, use something like

 xmllint --xinclude main-driver.odd > /tmp/main-driver.odd
 ~/Documents/Stylesheets/teitohtml /tmp/main-driver.odd

If teitohtml does not run on your system, you could submit the /tmp/main-driver.odd file to OxGarage instead.


[1] See page in the TEI wiki; this is the program that combines customization ODDs with the TEI Guidelines and produces schemas and reference documentation.

[2] If you don’t already have roma on your Mac OS X system, you may find these unofficial instructions useful. They likely work on a GNU/Linux system, too.