ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
MIT License
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Tile List #24

Closed iiDaxter closed 1 year ago

iiDaxter commented 1 year ago


For some reason my tile list is not working. Have tried on multiple devices / browsers.

Here is a video I uploaded as well.



ksucpea commented 1 year ago

There seems to be some difference between my school's canvas and everyone elses canvas, so the way I created it only works for my version and isn't working for anyone else. I have an update coming out shortly to fix this... chrome store is just taking really long to update.

iiDaxter commented 1 year ago

It was working fine for weeks this just started happening today.

ksucpea commented 1 year ago

Yeah, to clarify I mean in the most recent update a few days ago I made it that way. I had to rework some things and changed how the assignments load, but it only works for me.

iiDaxter commented 1 year ago

Okay cool if you ever want to troubleshoot with my account my Discord is Daxter#0001

ksucpea commented 1 year ago

Update is out now, let me know if you encounter any issues, thanks 👍

iiDaxter commented 1 year ago

Works like a charm, thank you!