ksucpea / bettercanvas

Dark mode, better todo list, GPA calculator, and more for Canvas
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Colorized to-do list items #51

Closed kh2310 closed 3 months ago

kh2310 commented 5 months ago

This is a pretty minor feature, but it would be cool to have the option to color-code the titles of to-do list items to correspond with their respective class colors. Here's an example of what it could look like. This would make it a little easier to see what classes you need to focus on at a glance, and I also think it'd look nice

ksucpea commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into this

ksucpea commented 3 months ago

I added this in the new update, it's available on Firefox right now if you want to try it out 👍

HugoKim36 commented 3 months ago

It looks great, thanks for adding this!