ksvc / KSYMediaPlayer_iOS

金山云iOS播放SDK(KSYUN Live Streaming player SDK),支持RTMP HTTP-FLV HLS 协议(supporting RTMP HTTP-FLV HLS protocol),直播延时2-3秒(Living delay 2 or 3 seconds)
Apache License 2.0
561 stars 143 forks source link

xcframework Mac Catalyst iPad转Mac编译报错 #165

Open Zhangyunjiang123 opened 3 years ago

Zhangyunjiang123 commented 3 years ago

初次报错: error: Building for Mac Catalyst, but the embedded framework 'KSYMediaPlayer.framework' was built for iOS. You may need to restrict the platforms for which this framework should be embedded in the target editor, or replace it with an XCFramework that supports both platforms.

尝试着用xcodebuild命令进行转化: zhangyunjiang-1:/ zhangyunjiang$ xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework Users/zhangyunjiang/Desktop/KSYMediaPlayer.framework -output Users/zhangyunjiang/Desktop/xcode/KSYMediaPlayer.xcframework xcframework successfully written out to: /Users/zhangyunjiang/Desktop/xcode/KSYMediaPlayer.xcframework

但是将生成的KSYMediaPlayer.xcframework 导入工程仍然报错误: error: While building for Mac Catalyst, no library for this platform was found in 'KSYMediaPlayer.xcframework'.

归根结底是没有支持Mac Catalyst的库

希望能够给予解决! 谢谢!