ktageja / DataSense-PRJ666-team-5

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Use case 15: View Historical Sensor Data on Dashboard #18

Open ktageja opened 3 days ago

ktageja commented 3 days ago

View Historical Sensor Data on Dashboard

User Story

As a user, I want to view historical sensor data from my Raspberry Pi so that I can analyze environmental trends over time.


This use case involves allowing users to view historical data on the dashboard, with the ability to filter the data by date range and sensor type (temperature, humidity, and soil moisture). The historical data will be displayed in table and graph formats, similar to real-time data. This feature will help users understand trends and patterns in the sensor data over time

Acceptance Criteria


Normal Flow of Events

The user logs into their account and navigates to the dashboard. The user selects a date range for historical data. The system retrieves historical data from the backend and displays it in table and graph formats. The user can navigate through the data using pagination if the dataset is large.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

S-1: No historical data available

The user selects a date range where no data is available. The system displays a message: "No data available for the selected date range."

S-2: Performance issues with large datasets

The system experiences performance issues when retrieving large amounts of historical data. The system implements pagination and optimizes the data query to handle larger datasets.