ktageja / DataSense-PRJ666-team-5

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Use case 19 :Testing and Validation of Real-Time and Historical Data Functionality #22

Open ktageja opened 3 days ago

ktageja commented 3 days ago

Testing and Validation of Real-Time and Historical Data Functionality

User Story

As a QA engineer, I want to thoroughly test and validate the real-time and historical data retrieval functionality so that I can ensure the data is accurate and the system performs as expected.


This use case involves performing comprehensive testing of the system’s real-time and historical data functionality. The QA team will validate the entire flow of data, from sensor data being collected and stored in the database, to it being displayed on the dashboard. Tests will cover data retrieval, pagination, export functionality (CSV/JSON), and proper error handling. Performance testing will also be conducted to ensure the system handles large datasets efficiently.

Acceptance Criteria


Normal Flow of Events

The QA team validates that real-time sensor data is correctly displayed on the dashboard and refreshes automatically at the specified interval. The QA team filters historical data by various date ranges and verifies that the data is displayed in table and graph formats. The QA team tests the export functionality (CSV and JSON) and ensures the correct data is exported. The QA team checks the system’s performance when handling large datasets and ensures that it meets performance benchmarks.

Alternate/Exceptional Flows:

S-1:Data retrieval issues

The system fails to retrieve data, and the error message “Unable to retrieve data” is displayed correctly. The QA team ensures that appropriate error handling is triggered

S-2: Incorrect or missing data in export files

The exported CSV or JSON file contains incorrect or incomplete data. The QA team documents the issue and ensures the export functionality is fixed.

S-3: System slows down with large datasets

The system experiences performance issues while retrieving or displaying large historical datasets. The QA team reports performance issues and works with the development team to optimize queries and pagination.