kubernetes-sigs / kustomize

Customization of kubernetes YAML configurations
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Kustomize doesn't support metadata.generateName #641

Open shimmerjs opened 5 years ago

shimmerjs commented 5 years ago

I am trying to use kustomize with https://github.com/argoproj/argo.

Example spec:

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: hello-world-
  entrypoint: whalesay
  - name: whalesay
      image: docker/whalesay:latest
      command: [cowsay]
args: ["hello world"]

Argo Workflow CRDs don't require or use metadata.name, but I am getting the following error when I try to run kustomize build on an Argo Workflow resource:

Error: loadResMapFromBasesAndResources: rawResources failed to read Resources: Missing metadata.name in object {map[args:[hello world] kind:Workflow metadata:map[generateName:hello-world-] spec:map[entrypoint:whalesay templates:[map[container:map[command:[cowsay] image:docker/whalesay:latest] name:whalesay]]] apiVersion:argoproj.io/v1alpha1]}

Is there a way for me to override where kustomize looks for a name to metadata.generateName?

peteroruba commented 1 year ago

Any chance this gets fixed?

luchiniatwork commented 1 year ago

Just ran into this as well when working with Jobs.

24601 commented 1 year ago

So our (awkward and somewhat anti-pattern-ish for CI purists, but very acceptable to use and surprisingly not as hack job-ish as I thought it'd be) to be able to run Jobs in Argo with generated names is as follows and is working quite well, actually but is not a "code-based" workaround as much as an alternative way of accomplishing the same thing using different processes:

  1. Create a Kustomization that our actual Argo manifests repo uses as a base that has only the Jobs. For our use case we actually had this Kustomization in turn have its own base it called to do some pre-req stuff the Jobs would need (our jobs do things like reformat/rework secrets in ways Kustomize cannot, prime data stores in ways init containers don't actually work or we don't want to b/c we don't want to have to fork/maintain patches against vendor code, and ensure external resources such as S3 buckets, etc [yes, we have used the ACK S3 controllers, etc, and they are horrible, so we just Job the AWS cli]).
  2. This Kustomization uses namesuffix for all resources in it, which, of course, is statically configured in the files, but this becomes important in the next step.
  3. We have a GitHub Action set up* to detect when this base has changes and when it does not (we use a glob on a specific name we have adopted as a convention for this workaround to check the Git history against the previous commit for the given ref the GH Action is running against to populate this and drive conditionals down the chain as described below).
  4. If the changes do NOT include a change to the kustomization.yaml file that belongs to the base referenced in 1, then it follows the "normal" path of triggering an ArgoCD sync (via webhook). If the changes DO include a change to the customization.yaml file that belongs to the base referenced in 1, it goes to every occurrence of the base (we have multiple apps that use this pattern now, so it's a for loop with that glob basically) and runs kustomize edit set namesuffixhead -c 32 /dev/urandom | md5 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1-date +%s` against each base Kustomization. This is the critical part, because now we can usenamesuffixas the workaround for the factgenerateName` is inoperable.
  5. The GH Action checks these changes back in with a VERY specific commit message (using a PAT, if you use the GH Token given in the Action, the default recursion prevention won't trigger the action and nothing more will happen, e.g. the webhook to ArgoCD is not dispatched given the rule mentioned above on the conditional webhook to avoid unnecessary and/or breaking changes b/c of the Job Immutability issue above, this conditionality ensures only refs with unique Job names are ever sent to ArgoCD for processing/sync).
  6. The GH Action is now running again, not against a developer commit/merge, that code path is in GH Action conditions (a bunch of IFs against the changes described above and the absence/presence of the commit message mentioned), but against its own commit (and it checks for this case, too, it also, for safety reasons to avoid recursive GH Actions in an infinite loop until we hit our billing ceiling**). It will then pass the webhook over to ArgoCD for processing now that namesuffix is set to something random and unique.

Unsure if this is needed, but we also add the following annotations to all Job manifests:

    argocd.argoproj.io/sync-options: Replace=true, Force=true
    argocd.argoproj.io/hook: PostSync, SyncFail
    argocd.argoproj.io/hook-delete-policy: HookFailed, HookSucceeded
    argocd.argoproj.io/sync-wave: "-1"

*This GH Action has a lot of conditionals and safety checks to avoid loops. Think long and hard about this. You can and will get weirdo edge cases that will cost you a lot of money if you don't! We use self-hosted runners for most stuff, but still, those have to run somewhere...cheaper than GH minutes by far, but still not free.

**Always a good idea to have a billing ceiling on this stuff, but especially. here IMO. The chance for infinite loops is not nil. Easier to have to go up your low limit every few days than run up a huge bill.

lopf commented 1 year ago

We worked around the Job name problem by setting ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 0 [1] so the Job is removed automatically after completion. The next time the Job is created, the previous one is already deleted.

[1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/#clean-up-finished-jobs-automatically

MeNsaaH commented 1 year ago

Still no work around yet for this. I find myself moving from kustomize to helm charts just because of this 🤦🏿

anthonyserious commented 1 year ago

I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but here's a PR that works in local testing: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/pull/4981.

I don't understand kustomize enough to know if this is really sufficient, but I look forward to comments pointing me in the right direction.

hrobertson commented 1 year ago

Looks like these questions on #4838 need answering and comprehensive tests need implementing.

It's not just a case of changing the validation to allow it.

anthonyserious commented 1 year ago

Indeed, my PR was too naive there, oh well. I closed it and hope #4838 moves forward.

tmsquill commented 1 year ago

I also have just run into this issue while attempting to use generateName on Jobs. Would be nice to see some fix or official workaround communicated.

natasha41575 commented 1 year ago

I am pasting my comment from https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/pull/4838#issuecomment-1295357914 for visibility:

I think before we can accept this PR, we need to agree on several details. Again, some more things that come to mind:

  • How generateName interacts with namePrefix/nameSuffix. I see above you suggest that generateName should not interact with namePrefix or nameSuffix. That is a valid opinion, and allowing name transformations on generateName would complicate name references, but I need to think a bit more about pros/cons.
  • How generateName interacts with patches? How does a patch target such a resource? For example, some options that I can think of:

    • Add a new field to the patch targets that allow selection based on the generateName field.
    • Keep patch targets as is, and only allow such resources to be targeted by their GVK, labels, and/or annotations.
    • We will also need to think about if we should allow the patch to change the value of generateName. Patches are allowed to change the name field, so it may be expected that we eventually support this too.
  • Same as the above, but with replacements.
  • What should kustomize do if there are multiple objects with the same generateName? Should kustomize allow this, and if so, how can we differentiate between the identical resource IDs? For example, reswrangler doesn't let you add two resources with the same ID. I haven't looked carefully at your tests yet, but we should make sure that we have tests covering this.
  • This PR doesn't seem to touch reswrangler or resource at all. That surprises me, as that is where a lot of resource-identifying code is. Maybe you're right that we actually don't need to touch it at all, but I think it would be helpful to take a closer look at that code and see if it makes sense to add support for generateName there.

I plan to bring this PR up with the other kustomize maintainers but if you have thoughts on these points feel free to share here.

@KnVerey can you think of anything else we need to make sure we think about?

Edited to add: I talked with the other maintainers and I think we need to see tests that show the use of generateName with all the other generators/transformers fields of kustomize so that we can see how it would behave.

I think to move this issue forward we would need a mini in-repo KEP to fully flesh out all of these details.

isarns commented 1 year ago

Any updates for that?

The patch workaround works neither for op: move nor op: remove.

- op: remove
  path: /metadata/name
- op: move
  from: /metadata/name
  path: /metadata/generateName

this leads to: panic: number of previous names, number of previous namespaces, number of previous kinds not equal

I'm using kustomize v5

shuheiktgw commented 1 year ago


shuheiktgw commented 1 year ago

Sorry, the issue is a bit too complicated for me. I may come back later, but please take it if anyone else can 🙇 /unassign

kasvith commented 11 months ago

I also ran into same issue with argocd

liskl commented 11 months ago

this same issue is happening if you try to kustomize the knative-operator as it requires a job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
generateName: storage-version-migration-operator-

this does limit the usability of kustomize for this usecase unfortunately, and with this being a built in for kubectl i would expect it to at least match the current rules defined for the builtin spec's

is there anything "chop wood, carry water" that i can do to help move this forwards?

liskl commented 11 months ago

How generateName interacts with namePrefix/nameSuffix. I see above you suggest that generateName should not interact with namePrefix or nameSuffix. That is a valid opinion, and allowing name transformations on generateName would complicate name references, but I need to think a bit more about pros/cons.

it should be able to interact with namePrefix it should not be able to interact with nameSuffix as generateName handles that internally.

but I'm 100% ok with being ignored by both if we can get the functionally working.

How generateName interacts with patches? How does a patch target such a resource? For example, some options that I can think of:

Add a new field to the patch targets that allow selection based on the generateName field.

This ^

Keep patch targets as is, and only allow such resources to be targeted by their GVK, labels, and/or annotations.

This is also a valid usecase

  - path: <relative path to file containing patch>
      group: batch
      version: v1
      kind: Job
      name: <optional name or regex pattern> # OR
      generateName: <the given .metadata.generateName prefix> # but not BOTH, and only for the kinds that accept them
      namespace: <optional namespace>
      labelSelector: <optional label selector>
      annotationSelector: <optional annotation selector>

We will also need to think about if we should allow the patch to change the value of generateName. Patches are allowed to change the name field, so it may be expected that we eventually support this too.

we should be able to modify the /metadata/generateName field in the same way we could the /metadata/name field using patches

Same as the above, but with replacements.

we should be able to modify the /metadata/generateName field in the same way we could the /metadata/name field using replacements.

What should kustomize do if there are multiple objects with the same generateName? Should kustomize allow this, and if so, how can we differentiate between the identical resource IDs? For example, reswrangler doesn't let you add two resources with the same ID. I haven't looked carefully at your tests yet, but we should make sure that we have tests covering this.

kustomize should not allow multiple like-kind resources example jobs.batch/v1 objects with the same generateName field as that would be abnormal for how the spec is used; the generateName field for the same Kind should be unique within the kustomize output.

This PR doesn't seem to touch reswrangler or resource at all. That surprises me, as that is where a lot of resource-identifying code is. Maybe you're right that we actually don't need to touch it at all, but I think it would be helpful to take a closer look at that code and see if it makes sense to add support for generateName there.

I don't know enough to state my opinion on this ^

markhv-code commented 11 months ago

Also ran into this issue.

ricardo-s-ferreira-alb commented 10 months ago

Also ran into this issue.

And 5 years later we have no solution.

ashrafguitoni commented 10 months ago

Not sure what's the best way to get developer's attention to this... Maybe opening a discussion? Is there an official slack?

nicl-dev commented 10 months ago

We also just ran into this. All related PR's got closed so what's the plan now? What exactly can we do to bring this forward?

mcharb commented 10 months ago

I'm working on a project where Kustomize was selected for ArgoCD. We were hoping to extend its use to our Argo Workflows but this is a significant impediment. Deleting previous workflow instances as was suggested in one comment does not align with our operational requirements. I'm sure there are plenty of usecases outside of Argo Workflow that are also affected by this issue.

robinhuiser commented 10 months ago

Please provide a solution or how we can support the kustomize team closing this issue - it is blocking our pipeline development in Argo Workflow at this moment as we want to kustomize pipelines.

tkblack commented 9 months ago

I ran into this. I want found the solution but failed. I tried like below and be OK!

- patch: | 
    - op: replace
      path: /metadata
        generateName: data-migration-
    kind: Job
tkblack commented 9 months ago

I ran into this. I want found the solution but failed. I tried like below and be OK!

- patch: | 
    - op: replace
      path: /metadata
        generateName: data-migration-
    kind: Job

Oh. No, it just ok for kubectl kustomize, but failed with argocd. And, i run with kustomize build would be failed too. kustomize version: v4.4.0

bluebrown commented 9 months ago

I ran into this. I want found the solution but failed. I tried like below and be OK!

- patch: | 
    - op: replace
      path: /metadata
        generateName: data-migration-
    kind: Job

Oh. No, it just ok for kubectl kustomize, but failed with argocd. And, i run with kustomize build would be failed too. kustomize version: v4.4.0

Kubectl kustomize is literally kustomize. And the one in argocd as well. There is no difference, except for the version that is used.

natasha41575 commented 8 months ago

Repeating what I wrote in https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/641#issuecomment-1684304344:

To move this issue forward we would need a mini in-repo KEP to fully flesh out all the design and implementation details of how this feature would be handled.

sanmai-NL commented 8 months ago

The interesting part is, who writes that proposal. And why would, for example, the community write this one and the maintainers some other?

shadiramadan commented 7 months ago

For people looking for a solution- this utilizes an exec krm plugin. It depends on yq and openssl rand.

Folder structure



apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
resources: []
# The job is added by the generator
# - job.yaml
- job-name-generator.yaml


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: schema-migrate-
    spec: {}


apiVersion: kustomize.example.com/v1
kind: JobNameGenerator
  name: schema-migrate
    config.kubernetes.io/function: |
        path: ../plugins/job-name-generator.sh
  resourcePath: ./job.yaml


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# read the `kind: ResourceList` from stdin

# extract the resource path
export resourcePath=$(echo "${resourceList}" | yq e '.functionConfig.spec.resourcePath' - )

# generate the job hash
export job_hash=$(openssl rand -hex 3 | cut -c 1-5)

# dump the job into the output ResourceList, add name from generateName + the job hash, and delete generateName
echo "
kind: ResourceList
items: []
" | yq e 'load(env(resourcePath)) as $resource | .items += $resource | .items[0].metadata.name = .items[0].metadata.generateName + env(job_hash) | del(.items[0].metadata.generateName)' -