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Request to allow specifying extra routes to add to kops subnets to point to pre-existing VPN gateway #2214

Open kashook opened 7 years ago

kashook commented 7 years ago

We have a pre-existing VPC in AWS with a VPN connection between our company's network and the VPC. I have been able to successfully create a completely private Kubernetes cluster with kops by ensuring that I:

Rather than creating the Kubernetes resources in our pre-existing subnets, we would prefer to keep the kops cluster separated in its own dedicated subnets that are ideally managed by kops. It would be nice if kops could create the subnets and their corresponding route tables with the VPN gateway routes added. The run_in_existing_vpc document shows how to have kops create the subnets for you but use pre-existing NAT gateways by specifying an egress setting on the private subnets. I gave this a try, and kops created all the subnets for me in our existing VPC and pointed the route tables to the NAT gateways I specified. I then manually added the VPN gateway routes to both the utility and private subnet route tables that kops created (and the tags mentioned in this issue) and found that all seems to work fine. Without the VPN gateway routes, I can't communicate with the masters or nodes over the VPN because the networking on the AWS side doesn't know how to route the response back to me.

So, in short, this is a request to add the ability to specify one or more extra routes to add to the subnets created by kops to point them to a pre-existing VPN gateway (while simultaneously allowing for specifying a pre-existing NAT gateway as you can today).

chrislovecnm commented 7 years ago

I am assigning myself, as I may need this functionality as well. More than that I need to re-read this awesome issue :)

So, in short, this is a request to add the ability to specify one or more extra routes to add to the subnets created by kops to point them to a pre-existing VPN gateway (while simultaneously allowing for specifying a pre-existing NAT gateway as you can today).

I am not a guru with re-using subnets. @geojaz can you bring your own routes and subnets? How well is this stuff documented? One of the things I need to work on is diagraming our different topologies options.

@keiths-osc I I know there is use cases where companies have AWS groups that do not want k8s to have access to subnets or any networking changes. VPC and networking topology can be tightly controlled. Any other options or use cases you would like to see?

kashook commented 7 years ago

@chrislovecnm thanks for picking this up! Besides the ability to specify extra routes that point to existing VPN gateways, I believe the ability to add routes that point to existing VPC peering connections would also be useful.

I know your question about documentation wasn't addressed to me, but for what it's worth, I did find this document to be pretty useful. Using pre-existing subnets did seem to work but does have one problem. In order for the LoadBalancer Kubernetes services to work correctly, the subnets have to be tagged with the name of the Kubernetes cluster. If you add these tags to your preexisting subnets, then I noticed that kops wants to destroy the subnets if you destroy the cluster. (I haven't looked to see if an issue exists for this or not).

starkers commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to say this would be must appreciated.. we're having to add the routes manually or with python after creating the cluster and that just feels dirty.

ottoyiu commented 7 years ago

Just had to do something similar, and @starkers - I also feel dirty.

kenden commented 7 years ago

@keiths-osc I created subnets for Kops within an existing VPC also, and had to tag them afterwards.

It would be nice to let Kops manage the subnets, but didn't you experience subnets IP range conflicts when letting Kops create the subnets for you? (This PR tries to fix this). Also, it's nice to be able to control the size of the subnets IP range (ex /22, or 20, else Kops decides for you).

Also, there's a PR for the issue you mentioned ("kops wants to destroy the subnets if you destroy the cluster"): https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/pull/2666).

kashook commented 7 years ago

@kenden kops did pick subnet ranges that conflicted. I edited the cluster config before actually creating the cluster to pick the CIDRs I wanted. It would be nice for sure if kops could pick ranges that don't overlap automatically, but the fact that I could at least fix the config before creating the cluster and then let kops still create everything was good enough for my current purposes.

chrislovecnm commented 7 years ago

Someone on office hours mentioned that they were going to work on this. Anyone know if work is underway on this item?

kashook commented 7 years ago

I have not worked on it. I still want the feature though. :) I recently came across another thing that would be nice if kops could set up. In AWS it's possible to create a direct private connection between subnets in your VPC and other AWS resources (such as s3). (See this AWS article). Unlike with VPN gateways or VPN peering connections, you don't actually directly add routes to the route tables. Instead, you create a thing called a VPC Endpoint, and then add routes to the endpoint. Doing this ends up adding a special route to each route table that's included in the endpoint. It would be nice if kops could create VPC endpoints. (It of course doesn't necessarily have to be done at the same time as the other items requested by this issue). I have been playing around with creating a VPC endpoint and putting the kops-created route tables in it manually, and it seems to work (but it would be nice if it could be done by kops). VPC Endpoints can't be tagged, so I tagged the route tables with the id of the VPC endpoint that I put them in.

chrislovecnm commented 6 years ago

My work on phases will allow networking patterns like these


Solisol commented 6 years ago

Experiencing the same problem.. Any other workarounds except manually editing route tables or python scripting? Does it matter which networking mode I choose?

chrislovecnm commented 6 years ago

No updates at this time.

chrislovecnm commented 6 years ago

Oh and networking mode does not impact this.

jmiller-auro commented 6 years ago

Anyone using aws cli to add this?

starkers commented 6 years ago

just using a very dirty dirty boto script for now I'm afraid, happy to dig it up and share of you need

chrislovecnm commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/issues/2214 will address some of this

fejta-bot commented 6 years ago

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity. Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale. Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.

If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.

Send feedback to sig-testing, kubernetes/test-infra and/or fejta. /lifecycle stale

chrislovecnm commented 6 years ago

/lifecycle frozen /remove-lifecycle stale

faheem-nadeem commented 6 years ago

Have the same problem. All S3 traffic from private subnets are routed through NAT Gateways rather than a VPC endpoint for S3. Nat Gateways cost almost 5 times more than conventional private link traffic. The only solution I could find for now was to add the routes for newly created S3 endpoints manually :( Is there any other solution directly from kops @chrislovecnm

donbecker commented 6 years ago

+1 on this, managing clusters from an existing VPC and supplying kops with a new, empty VPC to manage all objects within seems to be a pattern people are trying to follow

vietwow commented 6 years ago

+1 this. We have old legecy system that need to routing to K8s

patrik1972 commented 6 years ago

+1 this. We also have old legecy system that need to routing to K8s

mlunny-tabc commented 6 years ago

+1 to this. We're moving services for various legacy vpc's to a kubernetes cluster and we need to add individual routes manually - repeatedly.

ms4720 commented 6 years ago

I need this too

WesleyCharlesBlake commented 6 years ago

+1 on this. we deploy mongodb in a separte VPC, and right now we need to manually update the route tables to allow for the peering connection. Would be great to have this managed with Kops

ms4720 commented 6 years ago

aws Route Propagation vpc->route tables -> select a table -> pick tab "Route Propagation" and enable the option fixed my problem

olemarkus commented 6 years ago

It would be nice both to list a set of gateways to enable route propagation on as well as adding additional routes e.g for VPC peering.

ms4720 commented 6 years ago

yes it would and a "Route Propagation" knob would be a good start, an add routes yaml chunk would also be good. They are complementary to each other

tewing-riffyn commented 5 years ago

+1 for this. I need to add an AWS vpce gateway to the k8s subnet route tables. Would be great if kops managed this so I don't have to do some awscli hackery after kops create cluster.


ms4720 commented 5 years ago

@tewing-riffyn maybe some terraform hackery might be better, just a thought

twalla commented 5 years ago

+1 on this. we deploy mongodb in a separte VPC, and right now we need to manually update the route tables to allow for the peering connection. Would be great to have this managed with Kops

just encountered the same thing with a kops-provisioned cluster and configuring access to mongodb atlas

jhohertz commented 4 years ago

Just going to pile on and say that my tooling around kops has a bunch of post-deploy patching to route tables, to do exactly what others are talking about here. (Add vpce-, pcx- and other types of route table entries).

Are there any current efforts to revive this? Looks like most attempts in the past have been abandoned.

rifelpet commented 4 years ago

I think this would be pretty straight forward to add. Kops sets up one private route table per zone in addition to one public route table. Given that ClusterSpec doesn't define zones directly, rather they define a list of subnets of which each is assigned a zone, I think it makes the most sense to define additional routes as a new top-level field.

The new API fields could look something like:

type: ClusterSpec
  - routeTable: us-east-1a
    target: pcx-12345

Valid values of the routeTable field are any zones defined in the cluster's subnets or public.

Any thoughts on this? Is this flexible enough to handle everyone's use-cases, yet still intuitive?

jetersen commented 3 years ago

@starkers I would be interested in a script.

medavisjr commented 3 years ago

I think this would be pretty straight forward to add. Kops sets up one private route table per zone in addition to one public route table. Given that ClusterSpec doesn't define zones directly, rather they define a list of subnets of which each is assigned a zone, I think it makes the most sense to define additional routes as a new top-level field.

The new API fields could look something like:

type: ClusterSpec
  - routeTable: us-east-1a
    target: pcx-12345

Valid values of the routeTable field are any zones defined in the cluster's subnets or public.

Any thoughts on this? Is this flexible enough to handle everyone's use-cases, yet still intuitive?

I'm assuming something like this would also allow more route tables to be created by kops within the same zone? Versus complaining if a user tries to create two different route tables in the same zone. Example:

type: ClusterSpec
   - routeTable: us-east-1a
     target: pcx-12345
   - routeTable: us-east-1a
     target: vpc-6789

If yes, then a more appropriate name for routeTable might be routeTableZone, or make routeTable a header forcidr,targetand an additionalzonefield. It might be helpful to add anamefield like we do for subnets, so users can more easily identify the route tables/associations thatkops` is creating and managing in their accounts.

If no to the above question, then this is a dealbreaker for us. We create many different subnets in each zone for different instance groups. Some of these subnets shouldn't have access/routes to certain CIDR ranges, whereas others should. So we'd want a way to specify which kops subnets have the routes added to the route tables that kops creates/manages, if that makes sense.

olemarkus commented 3 years ago

kOps creates one route table for public subnets, and one table per private subnets. routeTable in the example above will only reference the name of the table that kOps create, not create arbitrary new ones. For those who let kOps provision networking, that should be fine.

Those who need more advanced setups should rather pre-create the networks using more suitable tools and reference them as explained here https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/run_in_existing_vpc/

hakman commented 3 years ago

As @rifelpet and @olemarkus said, kOps creates a route table for each Private subnet. For these we could easily add routes like this:

type: ClusterSpec
  - cidr:
    name: eu-central-1a
    type: Private
    zone: eu-central-1a
    - cidr:
      target: pcx-12345
    - cidr:
      target: vpc-6789

Maybe it would be easier create a route table for each Public subnet also and then add new routes to each subnet as desired.

radarnex commented 3 years ago

+1 Any updates on this? 🙏

olemarkus commented 3 years ago

As usual, we are happy to review a PR. But at least for me, I have other priorities for the coming releases.