kubevirt / containerdisks

Officially built and maintained containerdisks of the KubeVirt project
Apache License 2.0
29 stars 24 forks source link

KubeVirt curated Containerdisks

Name Architecture
CentOS Stream amd64, arm64
Fedora amd64, arm64
Ubuntu amd64, arm64
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed amd64
OpenSUSE Leap amd64, arm64

Building and publishing containerdisks

The go tool medius is the core of the syncrhonization process. It understands the origin of all containerdisks and what version is currently published in quay.io/containerdisks .

To run it in dry-run mode (the default), run:

make medius
bin/medius images push

Its main tasks for all onboarded containerdisks are:

Onboarding new containerdisks

Technical considerations

To add a new containerdisk the api.Artifact interface needs to be implemented. The resulting implementation needs to be registered. That's it. The fedora artifact is a good example to check out.

To automatically detect new releases of a distribution implement the api.ArtifactsGatherer interface.

Criterias for onboarding

Image Verification

Image verification and end-to-end testing, including promotions of working images, is possible with the images subcommands. Images which don't work out of the box for kubevirt will not be published.

Local testing

Setup local container registry to just build and publish:

podman container run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry docker.io/library/registry:2

To publish all images to a custom local registry call medius like this:

bin/medius images push --target-registry=localhost:5000 --dry-run=false --insecure-skip-tls --workers=3

To publish a specific image run, make use of --focus:

bin/medius images push --target-registry=localhost:5000 --dry-run=false --insecure-skip-tls --focus=fedora:35

Scaling considerations

At this stage medius only allows parallelization at the binary level. In the future it may get support for sharding to allow scaling on a CI job level.

To scale on the command level make use of the --workers flag on the publish command.

Release process considerations

Since remote sources can any time go away or fail and medius is intended to be executed periodically it will behave as follows to inform about issues while still trying to publish as many healthy images as possible:

Publishing the containerdisk documentation to quay.io

bin/medius docs publish --dry-run=false --quay-token-file=oaut_token.txt