kubuzetto / behind

behind! addon source code repository
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Open image in view mode (suggestion) #8

Closed happysurf closed 3 years ago

happysurf commented 3 years ago

I use the great Viewhance extension for view the images in Firefox, for that will be great add an option like this:

Otherwise all the times with mouse right click I must select > View Image.


kubuzetto commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately; different kinds of images that behind! supports (including Data URIs, vector images and so forth) make it difficult to view as image, as some of them may be embedded within the DOM. Furthermore, some of these scenarios cannot be opened in a new tab as a URL (scripts are prevented from doing it by Firefox as a security measure). You can view individual images that behind! shows by left-clicking on them, but that does not open the native image preview screen of the browser; instead an extension page imitating the native image preview window will be opened. This is the reason.

It might be possible to blacklist these cases but I'm not exactly a proponent of it; as different kinds of URLs would require the user to act differently, with no feedback to the user whatsoever. Also for the download thing, I tried it but some webm URLs could not be downloaded, I don't know why yet.

I know it's not exactly the same thing but there is an option to open one-result images directly, you can enable it in the preferences.

I'll keep the issue open, and I'll keep thinking about this. Thanks for the feedback!