kujason / avod

Code for 3D object detection for autonomous driving
MIT License
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kitti.py cann't be found. #141

Closed LiuCKind closed 4 years ago

LiuCKind commented 5 years ago

Available steps: ['120000'] Prediction images saved to: /home/avod/avod/data/outputs/avod_cars_example/predictions/images_2d/predictions/val/120000/0.1 Saving 3769 / 3769, Avg Time: 0.471s, Time Remaining: 0.47s Done

When I fininshed show_predictions_2d.py, I cann't find kitti.py to show my results. What can I do?

kujason commented 5 years ago

You can find the output images in the directory that is printed. There is no script to display these images.

LiuCKind commented 5 years ago

You can find the output images in the directory that is printed. There is no script to display these images.

/home/avod/venv/bin/python /home/liuchengkan/avod/demos/generate_anchors.py Anchors generated in 0.0003752708435058594 s Anchors projected in 0.00037860870361328125 s

Process finished with exit code 0

Thanks for your reply. Then I run generate_anchors.py, but I just get one picture and there are no anchors. Is there anything wrong with the code? @kujason

kujason commented 4 years ago

The timing you show for the anchor generation and projection seem too fast, so something has likely been modified in the code, or some data is missing.