While investigating a test flake, I noticed that the cluster was stuck in the warming phase. Normally, it exits this state after 15 seconds (the default initial_fetch_timeout), but the test had an Eventually condition set to 10 seconds. During the investigation, I identified an issue
Kuma responds with a CDS version: ee6f90cd-5733-46d1-8c88-c26edec2fbcd at [2024-11-22 14:29:06.299].
The snapshot CDS/EDS/LDS version changes at [2024-11-22 14:29:06.313].
Envoy requests EDS at [2024-11-22 14:29:06.488], but by this time, the version of CDS/EDS has changed(step 2). As a result, the snapshot contains a resource that was not requested by Envoy. The go-control-planevalidates that all resources in a snapshot are requested, leading to the observed issue.
ADS mode: not responding to request type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.endpoint.v3.ClusterLoadAssignment[demo-client]: "meshretry-http_test-server__kuma-3_msvc_80" not listed```
Logs from control-plane and Envoy
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.001] INFO xds.reconcile config has changed {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "versions": ["ee6f90cd-5733-46d1-8c88-c26edec2fbcd", "4ad0b957-601c-48c0-8a1a-4834e5355bf1", "ed1feeae-8ab0-48db-bc3d-06333c599fc5"]}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] INFO xds.status-tracker config requested {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "Listener", "resourceVersion": "", "resourceNames": [], "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": ""}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.server nodeID "meshretry-http.demo-client" requested type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener[] and known map[]. Diff []
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.server respond type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener[] version "" with version "ed1feeae-8ab0-48db-bc3d-06333c599fc5"
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.status-tracker config accepted {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "Cluster", "resourceVersion": "9a918deb-57db-4d48-89c9-3a2d4b099a5a", "resourceNames": [], "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": "1"}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.status-tracker config sent {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "Listener", "resourceVersion": "ed1feeae-8ab0-48db-bc3d-06333c599fc5", "requestedResourceNames": [], "resourceCount": 8, "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": "2"}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.server nodeID "meshretry-http.demo-client" requested type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster[] and known map[]. Diff []
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.299] DEBUG xds.server respond type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster[] version "9a918deb-57db-4d48-89c9-3a2d4b099a5a" with version "ee6f90cd-5733-46d1-8c88-c26edec2fbcd"
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.313] INFO xds.reconcile config has changed {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "versions": ["735f01b7-ed21-4247-bf0d-abace073d887", "3cff12ab-9568-4b44-9710-a648f16c013e", "68dec4d0-291d-4d51-b29f-cfc833302e96"]}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.484][132][debug][upstream] [source/common/upstream/cluster_manager_impl.cc:857] add/update cluster demo-client starting warming
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.486] DEBUG xds.status-tracker config accepted {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "Listener", "resourceVersion": "ed1feeae-8ab0-48db-bc3d-06333c599fc5", "resourceNames": [], "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": "2"}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.487] DEBUG xds.server nodeID "meshretry-http.demo-client" requested type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener[] and known map[]. Diff []
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.487] DEBUG xds.server respond type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.listener.v3.Listener[] version "ed1feeae-8ab0-48db-bc3d-06333c599fc5" with version "68dec4d0-291d-4d51-b29f-cfc833302e96"
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.488] INFO xds.status-tracker config requested {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "ClusterLoadAssignment", "resourceVersion": "", "resourceNames": ["demo-client"], "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": ""}
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.488] DEBUG xds.server nodeID "meshretry-http.demo-client" requested type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.endpoint.v3.ClusterLoadAssignment[demo-client] and known map[]. Diff [demo-client]
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.488] DEBUG xds.server ADS mode: not responding to request type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.endpoint.v3.ClusterLoadAssignment[demo-client]: "meshretry-http_test-server__kuma-3_msvc_80" not listed
[2024-11-22 14:29:06.488] DEBUG xds.status-tracker config sent {"proxyName": "demo-client", "mesh": "meshretry-http", "streamID": 26, "type": "Listener", "resourceVersion": "68dec4d0-291d-4d51-b29f-cfc833302e96", "requestedResourceNames": [], "resourceCount": 9, "subscriptionID": "a1987ec2-d9fd-49d7-b317-2b47e01d9f1a", "nonce": "4"}
User impact
A user might notice a delay in endpoint updates. When a new service is added, it can take approximately 15 seconds for the change to be reflected, along with any other changes in the cluster.
What happened?
While investigating a test flake, I noticed that the cluster was stuck in the warming phase. Normally, it exits this state after 15 seconds (the default
), but the test had an Eventually condition set to 10 seconds. During the investigation, I identified an issueee6f90cd-5733-46d1-8c88-c26edec2fbcd
at [2024-11-22 14:29:06.299].go-control-plane
validates that all resources in a snapshot are requested, leading to the observed issue.Logs from control-plane and Envoy
User impact
A user might notice a delay in endpoint updates. When a new service is added, it can take approximately 15 seconds for the change to be reflected, along with any other changes in the cluster.