kundajelab / chip-nexus-pipeline

ChIP-nexus pipeline
MIT License
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ChIP-nexus processing pipeline


ChIP-nexus pipeline


Installation and tutorial

This pipeline supports many cloud platforms and cluster engines. It also supports docker, singularity and Conda to resolve complicated software dependencies for the pipeline. A tutorial-based instruction for each platform will be helpful to understand how to run pipelines. There are special instructions for two major Stanford HPC servers (SCG4 and Sherlock).

Input JSON file

Input JSON file specification

Output directories

Output directory specification

Useful tools

There are some useful tools to post-process outputs of the pipeline.


This tool recursively finds and parses all qc.json (pipeline's final output) found from a specified root directory. It generates a TSV file that has all quality metrics tabulated in rows for each experiment and replicate. This tool also estimates overall quality of a sample by a criteria definition JSON file which can be a good guideline for QC'ing experiments.


This tool parses a metadata JSON file from a previous failed workflow and generates a new input JSON file to start a pipeline from where it left off.

ENCODE downloader

This tool downloads any type (FASTQ, BAM, PEAK, ...) of data from the ENCODE portal. It also generates a metadata JSON file per experiment which will be very useful to make an input JSON file for the pipeline.