kurenn / market_place_api

The API on Rails tutorial application
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Closed k1r8r0wn closed 2 years ago

k1r8r0wn commented 8 years ago

Please welcome - https://github.com/k1r8r0wn/market_place_api

kurenn commented 8 years ago

Hey thanks, I'll take a look!

Orinameh commented 8 years ago

Thumbs up...But I still can't make a POST request to make a create a new user with Postman... I get the error ActionController::ParameterMissing (param is missing or the value is empty: user):

k1r8r0wn commented 8 years ago

@Orinameh Send params in the POST request's body (e.g. in postman: body -> raw -> JSON) {"user": {"email": "example@email.com", "password": "password", "password_confirmation": "password"}}. P.S. And remember to send authorization_token for this.

kurenn commented 7 years ago

@Orinameh were you able to make it work with @k1r8r0wn solution?