kurtkuehnert / bevy_terrain

A terrain rendering plugin for the bevy game engine.
Apache License 2.0
177 stars 19 forks source link
bevy bevy-plugin graphics rust terrain-rendering

Bevy Terrain

GitHub Crates.io docs.rs Discord

Bevy Terrain is a plugin for rendering terrains with the Bevy game engine.

(Data Source: Federal Office of Topography, ©swisstopo)

Warning: This plugin is still in early development, so expect the API to change and possibly break you existing code.

Bevy terrain was developed as part of my bachelor thesis on the topic of large-scale terrain rendering. Now that this project is finished I am planning on adding more features related to game development and rendering virtual worlds. If you would like to help me build an extensive open-source terrain rendering library for the Bevy game engine, feel free to contribute to the project. Also, join the Bevy Terrain Discord server for help, feedback, or to discuss feature ideas.


Currently, there are two examples.

The basic one showcases the different debug views of the terrain. See controls down below.

The advanced one showcases how to use the Bevy material system for texturing, as well as how to add additional terrain attachments. Use the A Key to toggle between the custom material and the albedo attachment.

Before running the examples you have to preprocess the terrain data this may take a while. Once the data is preprocessed you can disable it by commenting out the preprocess line.


The docs folder contains a high-level implementation overview, as well as, the development status, enumerating the features that I am planning on implementing next, of the project. If you would like to contribute to the project this is a good place to start. Simply pick an issue/feature and discuss the details with me on Discord or GitHub. I would also recommend you to take a look at my thesis. There I present the basics of terrain rendering (chapter 2), common approaches (chapter 3) and a detailed explanation of method used by bevy_terrain (chapter 4).

Debug Controls

These are the debug controls of the plugin. Use them to fly over the terrain, experiment with the quality settings and enter the different debug views.


The planar terrain dataset is generated using the free version of the Gaia Terrain Generator. The spherical terrain example dataset is a reprojected version of the GEBCO_2023 Grid dataset.

GEBCO Compilation Group (2023) GEBCO 2023 Grid (doi:10.5285/f98b053b-0cbc-6c23-e053-6c86abc0af7b)


Bevy Terrain source code (this excludes the datasets in the assets directory) is dual-licensed under either

at your option.