kuz / DeepMind-Atari-Deep-Q-Learner

The original code from the DeepMind article + my tweaks
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Using makefile to install dependencies #4

Open wecacuee opened 8 years ago

wecacuee commented 8 years ago

If the install script fails in the middle, you have to fix the error and rerun the entire thing. I like makefile way of handling dependencies. I just translated install script into makefile.

kuz commented 8 years ago

Do I understand correctly that if a lua rock is already installed then Makefile will not install it anew? How the updates are handled -- will it be able to update a rock or a cloned repository if there is a change?

wecacuee commented 8 years ago

Do I understand correctly that if a lua rock is already installed then Makefile will not install it anew? Yes.

How the updates are handled -- will it be able to update a rock or a cloned repository if there is a change? One can use make --always-make dependencies to force update all the rocks/repositories. In effect --always-make option will run exactly like ./install_dependencies.sh.