kuzudb / kuzu

Embeddable property graph database management system built for query speed and scalability. Implements Cypher.
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Issues from LDBC SNB interactive query workload #1236

Open anuchak opened 1 year ago

anuchak commented 1 year ago

The following are some of the issues encountered while adding the LDBC SNB interactive queries to our benchmark:

// IS3. Friends of a person
:param personId: 933
MATCH (n:Person {id: $personId })-[r:KNOWS]-(friend)
    friend.id AS personId,
    friend.firstName AS firstName,
    friend.lastName AS lastName,
    r.creationDate AS friendshipCreationDate
    friendshipCreationDate DESC,
    toInteger(personId) ASC
anuchak commented 1 year ago

q39 - https://github.com/ldbc/ldbc_snb_interactive_impls/blob/main/cypher/queries/interactive-complex-8.cypher

This query also seems to be running out of memory, it had to be rewritten since the exact rel tables were not there.

MATCH (start:Person {ID: 143})<-[:comment_hasCreator|:post_hasCreator]-(:Post:Comment)<-[:replyOf_comment]-(comment:Comment)-[:comment_hasCreator]->(person:Person) RETURN person.ID AS personId, person.firstName AS personFirstName, person.lastName AS personLastName, comment.creationDate AS commentCreationDate, comment.ID AS commentId, comment.content AS commentContent ORDER BY commentCreationDate DESC, commentId ASC LIMIT 20