kvakulo / Switcheroo

The humble incremental-search task switcher for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
778 stars 121 forks source link

Possible to Include Tabs? #140

Open MartinLichtblau opened 4 years ago

MartinLichtblau commented 4 years ago

Hello @all, I am working on a browser that works just like Switcheroo, just on a tab level and not windows. My vision is to combine the two, to have one navigation system for all views, so you can switch e.g. from your firefox tab to your IDE code tab. Searching through and navigating between everything would sure be powerful and provide a smooth user experience. Do you if it's possible to include e.g. chrome tabs into Switcheroo?

elig0n commented 4 years ago

I would like to see that implemented too, it should probably be implemented modulated per-browser as the API would be different.

pidgeon777 commented 4 years ago

I would also be interested in this feature.

Wizek commented 4 years ago

quick-tabs-chrome-extension gang represent! ;)

While it might be possible to query a kind of Windows/OS API to get tab list information, it might be simplest to extend quick-tabs to be optionally be able to communicate and cooperate with Switcheroo! They just need some kind of communication layer, and switcharoo can ask any time about the list of open tabs, then tell quick-tabs if one of them needs focusing.

Reading up on our possibilities here: stackoverflow: How can I send a message from Google Chrome extension to desktop application?, it would seem our simplest option is for switcharoo to implement a simple communication http server to which then quick-tabs can attempt to connect; or we can use that native messaging stuff that seems potentially better, though I'm not sure how to use that.

Also, although this specific repo seems abandoned by its original author, it seems others have their own forks that they maintain much more up to date, so these changes could potentially be incorporated and published in some of those.

MartinLichtblau commented 4 years ago

It doesn't matter anymore. Switcheroo is no longer maintained and forks will die. I bet all my cards on PowerToys Run to become what I envisioned ‒ a view navigator to search and switch between apps and tabs alike. To make this a reality we should push that idea and add our experiences and votes to it, WIndow walker -list browser tabs #1912 .