kylepaulsen / SuperBookmarkDesktop

Super Bookmark Desktop - the new tab page + bookmark manager that acts like your computer desktop!
MIT License
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Freezes on Chromium #12

Open jonholdsworth opened 3 years ago

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

This looks like a great project. But it loads, I can see the desktop, I get either the startup menu or nothing (right-click menu works) ... then... it freezes. No activity at all. I have not opened the JS console, please advise if you want more info or if you are already on this.

Maybe I'm pushing the envelope a bit. Chromium rather than Chrome and probably older (I hate upgrading, it always breaks something irreversibly). Version 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)

kylepaulsen commented 3 years ago

I'm not aware of any problems. I use this extension every day and haven't seen a critical bug since last update. I would definitely appreciate any console errors or any other details you might have. Open chrome dev tools (F12 or ctrl+shift+i) and go to the console tab for errors.

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

Sadly I can't even get the console to come up :( I'll keep trying and see if I can get you a report. Thanks for getting back.

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

Nope, it just doesn't seem to work on Chromium at all. I'm on the latest Linux Chromium now - Version 91.0.4472.101 (Official Build) Built on Ubuntu , running on Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit) I still can't get the console to show me anything, so for now it's just going in the too-hard basket. If I ever get some insight I'll paste it here.

kylepaulsen commented 3 years ago

Installed a virtual machine of ubuntu and installed Chromium with similar versions (Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit, Chromium Version 91.0.4472.114 (Official Build))... unfortunately didnt see anything break... 😦 image

I'm wondering if it has something to do with a particular bookmark you have, or maybe the quantity? How many bookmarks do you have? Maybe it's somehow too much for it to handle?

Edit: I tried importing 1000 bookmarks. It was def slow, but it didn't crash... At a loss at what's going on.

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

Ah! I have a lottttt of bookmarks, it would be easily in the thousands (or over A thousand). Chrome's default bookmark manager is pretty unwieldy and awful and yours was the only manager I saw that I actually liked - because I wanted to get sorting on that quantity of bookmarks! So... yes, that's quite possibly it.

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

Forgot to add - I tested with all other extensions OFF and cache cleared, same result.

jonholdsworth commented 3 years ago

I'll try in Chrome, with and without all my bookmarks exported to it.

kylepaulsen commented 3 years ago

I'm guessing it's the quantity of bookmarks then... I'll try and think about how to handle 1000s of bookmarks.