kysely-org / kysely-ctl

Command-line tool for Kysely
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Seed fails, yet cli returns with exit code 0 #73

Closed thenbe closed 1 month ago

thenbe commented 1 month ago

Current: kysely seed run exits with exit code 0 when the seed operation encounters an error (such as unique constraint violation).

Expected: kysely seed run exits with exit code 1 when the seed operation encounters an error

Example output where the seed fails, yet the cli command returns with exit code 0:

$ pnpm kysely seed run

⚙ { rawArgs: [],
  args: { _: [], debug: false },
  data: undefined,
   { meta: { description: 'Run seed files', name: 'run' },
      { cwd: [Object],
        debug: [Object],
        environment: [Object],
        'no-outdated-check': [Object],
        specific: [Object] },
     run: [AsyncFunction: run] } } []
◐ Starting seed run
⚙ { config:
   { dialect: PostgresDialect {},
     migrations: { migrationFolder: 'src/migrations' },
     seeds: { seedFolder: 'src/seeds' } },
⚙ { error:
   { error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "foo_bar_id_key"
       at node_modules/pg/lib/client.js:526:17
     length: 217,
     severity: 'ERROR',
     code: '23505',
     detail: 'Key (bar_id)=(1) already exists.',
     hint: undefined,
     position: undefined,
     internalPosition: undefined,
     internalQuery: undefined,
     where: undefined,
     schema: 'public',
     table: 'foo',
     column: undefined,
     dataType: undefined,
     constraint: 'foo_bar_id_key',
     file: 'nbtinsert.c',
     line: '664',
     routine: '_bt_check_unique' },
  results: [ { seedName: '1719484759291_init', status: 'Error' } ] }
ℹ Ran 1 seed:
[✗] 1719484759291_init - error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "foo_bar_id_key"
igalklebanov commented 1 month ago

Hey 👋

Thank you for raising this!

igalklebanov commented 1 month ago

Fixed in