l-atelier-des-chercheurs / dodoc

Conçu pour favoriser les processus réflexifs lors d’activités d’apprentissage, do•doc est un outil ouvert et modulaire qui permet de capturer des médias (photos, vidéos, sons et stop-motion), de les éditer, de les mettre en page et de les publier
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
61 stars 11 forks source link

"Télécharger une version web" - 504 Gateway Time-out #505

Closed Pixflowave closed 3 years ago

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

j'ai fais le git pull + npm install ...

sur firefox pour ubuntu 18.04

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

ça marche sur test.dodoc.fr Ton document a bien des médias dedans ? Tu peux m’en dire plus ? Reproduire le soucis sur test.dodoc.fr ?

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Si la publi contient beaucoup beaucoup de contenus il peut arriver que le serveur arrive pas à zipper tous les contenus, c’est bien possible.

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

sur test.dodoc.fr ça marche impeccable je n'ai observer ce problème que sur do.doc.pixnwave.fr tu peux venir le mot de passe est hello

j'ai plein d'images dans ce projet mais le document page à page ne fait qu'une page avec 5 photos.

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

j’obtiens le bon résultat avec chrome mais ça semble long alors que c'est instantané sur test.do.doc faut un serveur avec des meilleurs compétences ?

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

avec Chrome https://media-quartier-est.pixnwave.fr/

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

C’est quoi comme serveur ? Chez qui ?

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

ionos Type : Serveur Cloud M CPU : 2 vCore RAM : 2 Go SSD : 80 Go

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Tu peux retester avec la version sur dodoc2-dev-node ? Ta config est amplement suffisante pour do•doc

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

j'ai refait le test sur la dodoc2-dev-node pas de changement...

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

J'ai tenté de changer les réglages de firefox sans résultats non plus...

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Pour avoir un debug plus complet :

  1. stopper le process pm2
  2. naviguer vers le répertoire du code de do•doc
  3. lancer do•doc avec npm run debug

Tu devrais voir des indications de ce que fais do•doc. Lance cette action, regarde si ça affiche un message d’erreur explicite de ce côté là. Relance 2 ou 3 fois pour confirmer l’erreur (probablement en rouge) et indique là dans un message ici (ou met les 100 dernières lignes qui s’affichent juste après avoir lancé l’export).

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

`[15:19:39] sendEventWithContent for user hlTXN5tsZ6KNo8PVAAAH = "listMedias" [15:19:39] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 909 [15:19:39] % PERFORMANCE — listMedias : 0s 7.26404ms [15:19:51] ~ COMMON - sendClients [15:19:51] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [15:19:51] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 79 [15:19:51] ~ ROUTER — exportPublication • slugPubliName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:51] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:51] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [15:19:51] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [15:19:51] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:51] - --> has cache [15:19:51] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:51] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:51] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:51] ~ AUTH — canEditFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [15:19:51] - AUTH — canEditFolder : socket has no authors [15:19:51] ~ AUTH — checkIfAuthorIsFoldersAuthor [15:19:51] ERROR! Failed to edit folder: Error: Error: no_author [15:19:51] ~ EVENT - notify for socketid = hlTXN5tsZ6KNo8PVAAAH [15:19:51] sendEventWithContent for all users = "notify" [15:19:51] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 104 [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — isSubmittedSessionPasswordValid [15:19:53] - Has session password, is valid [15:19:53] CONNECTION ALLOWED [15:19:53] RECEIVED CONNECTION FROM SOCKET.id: Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendClients [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 103 [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: updateClientInfo [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onAuthenticate for { "folder_passwords": { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } } [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — setAuthenticate with { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: authenticate [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onAuthenticate for { "folder_passwords": { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } } [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — setAuthenticate with { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: authenticate [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = authors and slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = projects and slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = chats and slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = chats with slugFolderName = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_chats [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = publications and slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolder [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListMedias : type = publications, slugProjectName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendMedias for type = publications, slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, metaFileName = undefined and id = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listMedias [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListFolder with slugFolderName = bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = projects and slugFolderName = bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolder [15:19:53] ~ EVENT - onListMedias : type = projects, slugProjectName = bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendMedias for type = projects, slugFolderName = bbb, metaFileName = undefined and id = undefined [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: listMedias [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 24. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [15:19:53] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : got folder data, now checking against user_folder_passwords[authors] [15:19:53] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : checking for pix-wave [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 24. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [15:19:53] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : got folder data, now checking against user_folder_passwords[authors] [15:19:53] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : checking for pix-wave [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 24. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listFolders" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 6091 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 233.010921ms [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/copie-de-les-cornillettes [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/exemple-de-projet [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/lecole-du-bout-du-monde [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/neguentropie [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/nuage [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/rachel-classe3 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/test [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/copie-de-les-cornillettes [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/exemple-de-projet [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/lecole-du-bout-du-monde [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/neguentropie [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/nuage [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/rachel-classe3 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/test [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listFolders" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 3718 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 236.388474ms [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_chats = 4. Folder(s) is(are) ecole,le-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuages [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get chats/ecole [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get chats/le-bout-du-monde [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get chats/neguentropie [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get chats/nuages [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put chats/ecole [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put chats/le-bout-du-monde [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put chats/neguentropie [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put chats/nuages [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listFolders" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 1305 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 238.83796ms [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listFolder" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 506 [15:19:53] % 0s 239.194013ms [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getMediaMetaNames in type = publications, with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 and metaFileName = undefined [15:19:53] - Missing metaFileName to read medias from document-page-a-page-n-8. Reading all medias instead. [15:19:53] - COMMON — getMediaMetaNames — slugFolderName: document-page-a-page-n-8 — metaFileName: undefined [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMetasDependingOnAuthorRole [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listFolder" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 279 [15:19:53] % 0s 238.943076ms [15:19:53] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - All folders meta have been processed [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — getMediaMetaNames in type = projects, with slugFolderName = bbb and metaFileName = undefined [15:19:53] - Missing metaFileName to read medias from bbb. Reading all medias instead. [15:19:53] - COMMON — getMediaMetaNames — slugFolderName: bbb — metaFileName: undefined [15:19:53] - Found this many (3) filenames: 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt,_bin,meta.txt [15:19:53] - Number of medias that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 = 1. Media(s) is(are) 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMediaList: medias_list = [ { "slugFolderName": "document-page-a-page-n-8", "metaFileName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt" } ]} [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs: slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 & metaFileName = 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get publications/medias/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] - --> no cache [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMediaMeta: type = publications & slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 & metaFileName = 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] - Found this many (3) filenames: meta.txt,text-20200527_170614-8xv.md,text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [15:19:53] - Number of medias that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/bbb = 1. Media(s) is(are) text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMediaList: medias_list = [ { "slugFolderName": "bbb", "metaFileName": "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt" } ]} [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs: slugFolderName = bbb & metaFileName = text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [15:19:53] ~ CACHE — get projects/medias/bbb/text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [15:19:53] - --> has cache [15:19:53] - COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs / returning cache instead of parsing files. [15:19:53] - readMediaList: gathered all metas, now processing :

[15:19:53] - All medias meta have been processed,{ "bbb": { "medias": { "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt": { "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:06:14", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:06:55", "date_uploaded": "2020-05-27 17:06:14", "media_filename": "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md", "type": "text", "fav": false, "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "file_meta": [ { "size": "0" } ], "content": "

<iframe sandbox=\"allow-same-origin allow-scripts\" src=\"https://peertube.mastodon.host/videos/embed/92e52882-be74-4848-b28e-fb75dba5f5df\" allowfullscreen=\"\" width=\"560\" height=\"315\" frameborder=\"0\">

", "metaFileName": "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt" } } } } [15:19:53] - Got medias, now sending to the right clients [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMedias [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = bbb, type = projects [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = bbb, type = projects [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listMedias" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 856 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — listMedias : 0s 257.705528ms [15:19:53] - Password fit for pix-wave. [15:19:53] - Password fit for pix-wave. [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — setAuthenticate : 0s 263.368371ms [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "authentificated" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 59 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — setAuthenticate : 0s 262.954698ms [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "authentificated" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 59 [15:19:53] - Found meta there: /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] ~ COMMON — readMetaFile: /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [15:19:53] - Will parse data [15:19:53] - Read Meta, now getting thumbs for { "slugProjectName": "test", "slugMediaName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d.jpeg.txt", "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:23:03", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:23:04", "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "page_id": "1590599226907_b", "type": "other", "x": 55, "y": 65, "z_index": 1 } [15:19:53] - readMediaList: gathered all metas, now processing :

[15:19:53] - All medias meta have been processed,{ "document-page-a-page-n-8": { "medias": { "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt": { "slugProjectName": "test", "slugMediaName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d.jpeg.txt", "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:23:03", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:23:04", "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "page_id": "1590599226907_b", "type": "other", "x": 55, "y": 65, "z_index": 1, "metaFileName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt" } } } } [15:19:53] - Got medias, now sending to the right clients [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — filterMedias [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [15:19:53] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for user Tw24D3YNFeIaqtVoAAAI = "listMedias" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 909 [15:19:53] % PERFORMANCE — listMedias : 0s 263.146171ms [15:19:53] ~ COMMON - sendClients [15:19:53] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [15:19:53] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 148 [15:19:53] RECEIVED EVENT: updateClientInfo `

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

[15:19:51] ERROR! Failed to edit folder: Error: Error: no_author

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Ok j’ai réussi à reproduire le soucis sur ma config. Je me penche dessus, merci pour les infos.

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Peux-tu tester à nouveau en passant "qui peut contribuer" sur "tout le monde" ?

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

ça fonctionne bravo

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Il faudrait voir ensuite dans quelles situations ça se reproduit : si Edition limite aux auteurs et connecté en un auteur autorisé, si connecté en admin , etc. Tu peux regarder ?

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

là j'étais en admin et je n'ai ce phénomène que sur firefox...

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Si tu as le temps l’idéal ça serait un petit comparatif avec ces différents cas de figure sur chrome et sur Firefox :)

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

même comportement avec un contributeur ...

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

sur chromium ça fonctionne bien je tente avec chrome pour ubuntu ...

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

Sur chrome ça fonctionne mais c'est lent... en comparaison de firefox.

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

même chose pour chromium

louis-ev commented 4 years ago

Mise à jour de la branche dodoc2-dev-node, tu peux tester ?

Pixflowave commented 4 years ago

[23:49:13] ~ COMMON - sendClients [23:49:13] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [23:49:13] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 2 [23:49:13] ~ ROUTER — exportPublication • slugPubliName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:13] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:13] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [23:49:13] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [23:49:13] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:13] - --> has cache [23:49:13] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:13] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:13] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:13] ~ AUTH — canEditFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [23:49:13] - AUTH — canEditFolder : socket has no authors [23:49:13] ~ AUTH — checkIfAuthorIsFoldersAuthor [23:49:13] ERROR! Failed to edit folder: Error: Error: no_author [23:49:13] ~ EVENT - notify for socketid = 1jtzHcBOgQlkbhZzAAAC [23:49:13] sendEventWithContent for all users = "notify" [23:49:13] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 104 [23:49:14] ~ AUTH — isSubmittedSessionPasswordValid [23:49:14] - Has session password, is valid [23:49:14] CONNECTION ALLOWED [23:49:14] RECEIVED CONNECTION FROM SOCKET.id: uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendClients [23:49:14] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [23:49:14] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 25 [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: updateClientInfo [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onAuthenticate for { "folder_passwords": { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } } [23:49:14] ~ AUTH — setAuthenticate with { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: authenticate [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onAuthenticate for { "folder_passwords": { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } } [23:49:14] ~ AUTH — setAuthenticate with { "authors": { "pix-wave": "-1745203252" } } [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: authenticate [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = authors and slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = projects and slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListFolders [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = chats and slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = chats with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_chats [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolders [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = publications and slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolder [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListMedias : type = publications, slugProjectName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendMedias for type = publications, slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, metaFileName = undefined and id = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = publications with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listMedias [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListFolder with slugFolderName = bbb [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendFolders for type = projects and slugFolderName = bbb [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = bbb [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listFolder [23:49:14] ~ EVENT - onListMedias : type = projects, slugProjectName = bbb [23:49:14] ~ COMMON - sendMedias for type = projects, slugFolderName = bbb, metaFileName = undefined and id = undefined [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = projects with slugFolderName = bbb [23:49:14] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 [23:49:14] RECEIVED EVENT: listMedias [23:49:14] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 25. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,debug,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/debug [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/debug [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [23:49:14] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : got folder data, now checking against user_folder_passwords[authors] [23:49:14] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : checking for pix-wave [23:49:14] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 25. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,debug,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/debug [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [23:49:14] - --> has cache [23:49:14] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:14] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/debug [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [23:49:14] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [23:49:14] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : got folder data, now checking against user_folder_passwords[authors] [23:49:14] - AUTH — setAuthenticate : checking for pix-wave [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 25. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,debug,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/debug [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/debug [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 256.812477ms [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listFolders" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 6245 [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/copie-de-les-cornillettes [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/exemple-de-projet [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/lecole-du-bout-du-monde [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/neguentropie [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/nuage [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/rachel-classe3 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/test [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/copie-de-les-cornillettes [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/exemple-de-projet [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/lecole-du-bout-du-monde [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/neguentropie [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/nuage [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/rachel-classe3 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/test [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 261.422824ms [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listFolders" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 3745 [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_chats = 4. Folder(s) is(are) ecole,le-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuages [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get chats/ecole [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get chats/le-bout-du-monde [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get chats/neguentropie [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get chats/nuages [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put chats/ecole [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put chats/le-bout-du-monde [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put chats/neguentropie [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put chats/nuages [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — listFolders : 0s 262.460889ms [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listFolders" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 1305 [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] % 0s 262.691055ms [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listFolder" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 524 [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications = 17. Folder(s) is(are) bloc-dessin-n-1,bloc-dessin-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-1,document-page-a-page-n-2,document-page-a-page-n-3,document-page-a-page-n-4,document-page-a-page-n-5,document-page-a-page-n-6,document-page-a-page-n-7,document-page-a-page-n-8,document-page-a-page-n-9,effets-video-n-1,montage-video-n-1,recit-n-1,recit-n-3,son-sur-une-video-n-1,story-n-2 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — getMediaMetaNames in type = publications, with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 and metaFileName = undefined [23:49:15] - Missing metaFileName to read medias from document-page-a-page-n-8. Reading all medias instead. [23:49:15] - COMMON — getMediaMetaNames — slugFolderName: document-page-a-page-n-8 — metaFileName: undefined [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterFolders [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMetaDependingOnAuthorRole [23:49:15] % 0s 263.119367ms [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listFolder" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 306 [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2 = 8. Folder(s) is(are) bbb,copie-de-les-cornillettes,exemple-de-projet,lecole-du-bout-du-monde,neguentropie,nuage,rachel-classe3,test [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/bbb [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put projects/bbb [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — getMediaMetaNames in type = projects, with slugFolderName = bbb and metaFileName = undefined [23:49:15] - Missing metaFileName to read medias from bbb. Reading all medias instead. [23:49:15] - COMMON — getMediaMetaNames — slugFolderName: bbb — metaFileName: undefined [23:49:15] - Found this many (3) filenames: 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt,_bin,meta.txt [23:49:15] - Number of medias that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8 = 1. Media(s) is(are) 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMediaList: medias_list = [{"slugFolderName":"document-page-a-page-n-8","metaFileName":"82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt"}]} [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs: slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 & metaFileName = 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get publications/medias/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] - --> no cache [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMediaMeta: type = publications & slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8 & metaFileName = 82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] - Found this many (3) filenames: meta.txt,text-20200527_170614-8xv.md,text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [23:49:15] - Number of medias that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/bbb = 1. Media(s) is(are) text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMediaList: medias_list = [{"slugFolderName":"bbb","metaFileName":"text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt"}]} [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs: slugFolderName = bbb & metaFileName = text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get projects/medias/bbb/text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — readMediaAndThumbs / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - readMediaList: gathered all metas, now processing :

[23:49:15] - All medias meta have been processed,{ "bbb": { "medias": { "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt": { "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:06:14", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:06:55", "date_uploaded": "2020-05-27 17:06:14", "media_filename": "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md", "type": "text", "fav": false, "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "file_meta": [ { "size": "0" } ], "content": "

<iframe sandbox=\"allow-same-origin allow-scripts\" src=\"https://peertube.mastodon.host/videos/embed/92e52882-be74-4848-b28e-fb75dba5f5df\" allowfullscreen=\"\" width=\"560\" height=\"315\" frameborder=\"0\">

", "metaFileName": "text-20200527_170614-8xv.md.txt" } } } } [23:49:15] - Got medias, now sending to the right clients [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMedias [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = bbb, type = projects [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = bbb, type = projects [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listMedias" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 883 [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — listMedias : 0s 275.6199ms [23:49:15] - Password fit for pix-wave. [23:49:15] - Password fit for pix-wave. [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — setAuthenticate : 0s 284.104655ms [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "authentificated" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 59 [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — setAuthenticate : 0s 282.678311ms [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "authentificated" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 59 [23:49:15] - Found meta there: /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — readMetaFile: /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_publications/document-page-a-page-n-8/82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt [23:49:15] - Will parse data [23:49:15] - Read Meta, now getting thumbs for { "slugProjectName": "test", "slugMediaName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d.jpeg.txt", "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:23:03", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:23:04", "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "page_id": "1590599226907_b", "type": "other", "x": 55, "y": 65, "z_index": 1 } [23:49:15] - readMediaList: gathered all metas, now processing :

[23:49:15] - All medias meta have been processed,{ "document-page-a-page-n-8": { "medias": { "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt": { "slugProjectName": "test", "slugMediaName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d.jpeg.txt", "date_created": "2020-05-27 17:23:03", "date_modified": "2020-05-27 17:23:04", "authors": [ { "slugFolderName": "pix-wave" } ], "page_id": "1590599226907_b", "type": "other", "x": 55, "y": 65, "z_index": 1, "metaFileName": "82f215e3-703d-4506-8956-7ff68aace99d-jpeg-txt-i1z.txt" } } } } [23:49:15] - Got medias, now sending to the right clients [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — filterMedias [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — isSocketLoggedInAsAdmin [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 25. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,debug,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/debug [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/debug [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [23:49:15] - AUTH — isSocketLoggedInAsAdmin: true [23:49:15] - AUTH — canSeeFolder: is_admin = true [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — canSeeFolder with slugFolderName = document-page-a-page-n-8, type = publications [23:49:15] ~ AUTH — isSocketLoggedInAsAdmin [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — getFolder type = authors with slugFolderName = undefined [23:49:15] ~ COMMON — _getFolderSlugs in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors [23:49:15] - Number of folders that match in /home/pixnwave/Documents/dodoc2/_authors = 25. Folder(s) is(are) aline,amiral-ackbar-gael,anne-laure,anouk,anouk-1,benjamin,camille,colette,debug,doud,gwen,jom,kristof,lau,lluc,lucie-c,mariefly,ml,ml-1,pix-wave,rachel,sandra-vanessa,test-participant,teste,vero [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/aline [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/benjamin [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/camille [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/colette [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/debug [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/doud [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/gwen [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/jom [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/kristof [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lau [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lluc [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/mariefly [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/rachel [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/test-participant [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/teste [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — get authors/vero [23:49:15] - --> has cache [23:49:15] - COMMON — getFolder / returning cache instead of parsing files. [23:49:15] - All folders meta have been processed [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/aline [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/amiral-ackbar-gael [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anne-laure [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/anouk-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/benjamin [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/camille [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/colette [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/debug [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/doud [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/gwen [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/jom [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/kristof [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lau [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lluc [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/lucie-c [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/mariefly [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/ml-1 [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/pix-wave [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/rachel [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/sandra-vanessa [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/test-participant [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/teste [23:49:15] ~ CACHE — put authors/vero [23:49:15] - AUTH — isSocketLoggedInAsAdmin: true [23:49:15] - AUTH — canSeeFolder: is_admin = true [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for user uQbFlgC0wOQN6_Z0AAAD = "listMedias" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 927 [23:49:15] % PERFORMANCE — listMedias : 0s 312.890209ms [23:49:15] ~ COMMON - sendClients [23:49:15] sendEventWithContent for all users = "listClients" [23:49:15] eventAndContentJson — sending packet with string length = 70 [23:49:15] RECEIVED EVENT: updateClientInfo

louis-ev commented 3 years ago

Est-ce que c’est bon pour ce soucis au fait ?

Pixflowave commented 3 years ago

oui merci

jubonhomme commented 3 years ago

A fermer