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Minju: Welcome to JS, 3 Weeks #300

Open minjupgeorge opened 2 years ago

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Learning Objectives

1. What is Programming

What is a program? What is a programming language? How do programs and people fit together?

2. Just Enough JavaScript

Go in depth on JavaScript you need to know for writing interactive text-based programs in the browser. Along the way you will learn how each language feature works in small programs.

3. Understanding Programs

Learn how to understand a larger programs by finding connections between the details and the big picture. By the end of this chapter you will know how to read a new program and do a simple code review.

4. Developing Programs

Learn to modify and write larger programs in JavaScript. You'll cover many of the hidden skills necessary to develop quality software and to work collaboratively on a code base.

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

I have tried to run JS programs in console ,but sometimes it got stuck up and taking too much time for loading.

What went well?

I understood JavaScript basics. first while go through flash cards it was easy but forgets very soon. once started practicing it is all good. I have practiced until "What is programming " section at study lenses.

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

Practice is more important.

Sunday Prep Work

Study Priorities: Just Enough JS and Understanding Programs. I have started going through examples and exercises just before "Just Enough JS. yet to start the coming week study priorities

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

I have tried to run JS programs in console ,but sometimes it got stuck up and taking too much time for loading.

which console are you talking about? in the dev tools of the browser? which programs got stuck?

I have practiced until "What is programming " section at study lenses.

the goal is to FINISH that section this week πŸ™‚ is that what you mean?

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Hi @danielhalasz The goal is to complete untill 'Just enough JS' πŸ˜„ .

The browser is where am running JS is Firefox browser console . Am not stuck up with programming concept. If I change a code then if click on run tab it's taking too much time for loading. I think better I will start practicing at Vscode.

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

Hmm, are you running code you wrote when you click the [run] button? or does it take too long for all programs? It could be that you have an infinite loop. Maybe try using the loop guard, it's near the bottom of the >>options<< in study lenses

most of these programs won't work in VSCode because prompt, alert and confirm aren't supported in node :(

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

@colevandersWands Thanks alot for the information. Yeah now I got it. I will try to run accordingly.

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@minjupgeorge can you post an example that got stuck?

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Hi Daniel, if am trying to edit the code and just clicking on run button its working perfectly . Same line if am editing in the console and trying to run just pressing the enter button it is showing error / loading for long time. Now its showing error. I will post both scenarios here. fortunately didn't come across loading problem at the moment πŸ˜„

Code runs perfectly on clicking run button in the study lenses

code runs perfectly on clicking run button

Same code showing error while running in the console and press enter

error code while running in the console

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@minjupgeorge this happens because the value of 'input' is still in the memory. if you refresh the browser window and try again just copy pasting the code on the left into the console and hit should work fine..

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

@danielhalasz yeah its working .

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Week 2

I Need Help With:

So far so good. updated study-lenses. Thanks daniel @danielhalasz for updating the repo. it saved lot of my time.

What went well?

What went less well?

Still at just enough java-script Session Its taking time to recollect the concepts even-though I have learned Java during college days .

Lessons Learned

Don't feel bad if you are not remembering the lessons learned long back. Just try to refresh by running the code.

Sunday Prep Work

Yet to start 3. understanding programs.

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

Still at just enough java-script Session Its taking time to recollect the concepts even-though I have learned Java during college days .

Take your time, there is no rush. You'll get a chance to review all of these topics again in the next module.

minjupgeorge commented 2 years ago

Week 3

I Need Help With:

Is there any difference between debugging at chrome and Firefox . I feel quite easy with chrome. Recently I have noticeD two such topics at suggested study.

What went well?

Once I have started practicing javascript-exercises exercises at visual-code, I feel so confident and able to recollect what I have learned earlier.

Understood the mistakes done at UI/UX Design

What went less well?

I have to update the design according to the review and yet to start my website design.

Sunday Prep Work

Keep studying the Programs at study-lenses Started practicing at sololearn Thanks a lot for the materials at suggested study

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

Is there any difference between debugging at chrome and Firefox .

well, the interface is certainly different and the debugging buttons too, Firefox does not have the usual step button of Chrome..but honestly I am not sure about the deeper differences.

I have to update the design according to the review and yet to start my website design.

that's okay, that is not urgent, just something to keep in mind for the next period