If GHE use self-assigned SSL certification. The following exception is showed.
Requesting the total number of pages ...
Error detected while processing function gista#command#command[22]..gista#command#list#command[15]..gista#command#list#open[5]..gista#command#list#call[7]..gista#resource#remote#list[42]..114[33]..<SNR>93__retrieve_python[19]..<SNR>93__throw:
line 2:
E605: Exception not caught: vital: Web.API.GitHub: URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:646)> at /Users/alisue/.vim/bundle/vim-gista/autoload/vital/_vim_gista/Web/API/github.py:181
There should an option to switch off the verification step while GHE might use self-assigned HTTPS.
If GHE use self-assigned SSL certification. The following exception is showed.
There should an option to switch off the verification step while GHE might use self-assigned HTTPS.