langjam / jam0001

269 stars 141 forks source link

Feedback for next jam #334

Open sophiajt opened 2 years ago

sophiajt commented 2 years ago

Please comment below with:

sumeet commented 2 years ago
  • things you liked about this jam

    1. SO MUCH HYPE, y'all (y'one?) did a great job of marketing this. a lot of participation too.
    2. discord server contributed to hype and can chat with other jammers and JT
    3. enough notice to plan for the weekend
    4. beautiful theme
    5. it was just so fun
  • things you hope are better with the next jam

    1. wish it was easier to see other people's projects. i don't have an immediate suggestion here, browsing through the project folders on github was rough because you have to click through a lot of projects, and you have to weed out empties. a scrollable interface for looking through projects might be better
    2. 12 or 24 more hours would have been golden. i'm in california so the jam was from fri 11am to sun 11am. on friday, i spent several hours thinking about the theme, and just started implementing something not knowing what my actual idea was. when i woke up on saturday morning, the theme had enough time to click and in idea i liked. then i pulled an all-nighter getting everything ready. with a bit more time, i could have slept and then maybe had another morning-inspiration moment to build on the idea even more.
    3. at the end of the jam, the atmosphere felt like people really wanted to show off their work (understandably so) though i felt less curiosity from others about other people's work. this might be related to point 1. from above, not being easy to browse the projects
    4. i would prefer more structure in the voting system, as someone who worked very hard on the project and intentionally didn't try to promote the project in the discord. the project and the presentation in the readme all done before the submission deadline should speak for themselves. or maybe even have a panel that at least tried all of the projects. it will be difficult to look at all of the projects (or even know if people saw mine or not) and then track if each person voted 3 times, and also it seems like voting might not be limited to people who participated in the jam.

thank you so much for putting this together and participating, JT and everyone else :heart:

Jackojc commented 2 years ago

Things I liked:

Things I would like to see next time around:

All in all, very good event and was for the most part well organized and advertised and I can't wait to see what is in store for the next time.

vic commented 2 years ago

Things I liked:

Thinks that could be better next time:

AmrDeveloper commented 2 years ago

Things you liked about this jam

Things you hope are better with the next jam

Thanks for this event and I have really enjoyed it

cdrini commented 2 years ago

Things I liked:

Things I hope were better:

Overall: loved taking part, and thank you for organizing!

AlexDikelsky commented 2 years ago
  1. I really liked this event, and having the discord server to talk about what we're doing.
  2. I would have liked a bit more self-categorization of the submitted languages so we can have an easier time of trying them out.
  3. I also would have liked to have optional presentations at the end, so we can see what others worked on.

The event was great! I really enjoyed working on this.

jawadcode commented 2 years ago
  • things you liked about this jam

1) You shared a lot of resources, especially useful for those who were new to langdev 2) You announced it enough in advance to facilitate preparation 3) You setup a discord server so people could share the hype 4) Relatively well organised for your first jam

  • things you hope are better with the next jam

1) As @Jackojc mentioned, a slightly less esoteric theme (also a more broad theme that could be interpreted in many ways) would be ideal. 2) You could either announce the theme a little more in advance of the competition or make the competition itself 1 or 2 days longer 3) Have an easier way to view all the projects and vote on them, perhaps a website could be built to showcase them all in a user-friendly way 4) Maybe a slightly easier way to submit your project, (for example you could make a template repo that could forked by participators and to submit you share the link to your fork on the website) 5) Not that there were any issues on the discord server but it would probably be a good idea to lay down some rules and get some moderators in future

Overall the langjam was awesome and I can't wait for the next one

jdonszelmann commented 2 years ago

It'd be nice to separate language name and team name more clearly as they can be different. Team names are often known before the jam starts while the language name may change. However, thanks so much for organizing this. It was amazing!

anima-libera commented 2 years ago

Things i liked:

Things that may be changed for next time:

This is more like an idea:

somebody1234 commented 2 years ago

Things I thought were great:

Things I'd like to see next time:


vic commented 2 years ago

Oh I got an idea, perhaps for next time we all could submit a gif, perhaps a tiny acsiinema showing how the language work (ie, running some examples) so that we can later have a page showcasing all those gifs and quickly get a grasp of the ideas, and then get a deep dive on the code of those that look interesting.

mufeedvh commented 2 years ago

things you liked about this jam

things you hope are better with the next jam

Here is the idea for easier browsing of projects:

Have a separate markdown file called for example, and every team should submit their "best example" or an asciinema as suggested by @vic in that file by using the <details> tag. Here is an example:

Team: One
[Team One's Language Name with link to their directory](#) ``` // // example code with their language here // ``` [:+1: Vote](#)
Team: Two
[Team Two's Language Name with link to their directory](#) ``` // // example code with their language here // ``` [:+1: Vote](#)

This way, onlookers or participants who vote only has to open and close to skim through each examples and also get the link to their project's directory to try it out + a direct link to vote on each. This is just my suggestion, I hope this solves that problem. :)

And again, Thank You so much for conducting this @jntrnr! :heart::raised_hands:

badlydrawnrod commented 2 years ago

things you liked about the jam

things you hope are better with the next jam

mikey-b commented 2 years ago

things you liked about this jam The livestreams, loved them.

things you hope are better with the next jam Duplicate of comment on Discord:

@jt Probably a bit late as voting has almost finished, by maybe next year, or a worthy mention this year? A category of Most Adventurous Implementation Language? @elucent has implemented his in assembly, @JoKing has made three versions, and I've never heard of unseemly thats used in unseemly-behaviour [09:17] I mean, to add to that - 30% of projects are written in rust, Statistically, I wouldn't be surprised if all winners were written in rust. Be nice to mention other languages

asrp commented 2 years ago

Things I liked

Things I hope are better with the next jam

Thanks for organizing this and everyone for participating! And again, I'd like ot know if there's some group for discussing making languages.