langmo / youscope

YouScope Microscope Control Software
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Certain positions and jobs are not saved in the measurement #15

Open EAAeby opened 3 years ago

EAAeby commented 3 years ago


We are currently using YouScope 2018 on our Nikon TE2000E and are generally extremely happy with it. I installed the software myself and can generally use the microscope without issue for days. Given the age of the microscope, it is pretty impressive.

Lately new users have been using it as well, making me discover certain bugs in the setup. I wanted to show you these, maybe there is something we can do to avoid them.

1) in one of the file, custom position were saved by the user (see the .csb file). When loading the measurement file, only one position was displayed in the terminal (see capture.png). I usually use microplates position with a custom rectangular microplate and never have this issue.

2) It already happened several times, to me as well, that when a job is set (e.g. take a picture with channel xy and exposure z), the job is first visible in the window. As usual, the user would click on next and continue the setup of the experiment. However the job isn't displayed in the window anymore when we go back to this menu.

It would be great to have your opinion on this. If you need any additional information, I remain at your disposal.

Thanks a lot!


langmo commented 3 years ago

Dear EAAeby, thanks for the bug notification. I could reproduce (1). The error is that we accidentially don't save the position-ID to the measurement configuration file under certain conditions. When reloading it, all positions have the same position-ID (the default one) and the positions simply overwrite one another. I will look on a bug fix! I couldn't reproduce (2), however. Can you provide a "minimal working example" for the bug (i.e. what do I have to click, in which order, to get this bug)? A screencast would also work (press Windows button and "G" simultanously, start recording at the top-left). Best, Moritz

EAAeby commented 3 years ago

Dear Moritz, Thank you very much for your rapid response. For 2) I informed the users to record any of those bugs. I will come back to you as soon as I have a tangible example. For the moment it happened randomly, with the same type of measurement. Thanks again. Best, EAAeby

cunyap commented 2 years ago

Hi EAAeby,

Is 2) still an issue for you and do you have more data on it?

Best, Andreas