Open xavierwoo opened 9 years ago
Would you like to write a rule for that? You could start with or The part-of-speech tag for numbers is CD
I will try to write a rule. But I can't get access to the server from yesterday.
Is there something wrong with it?
2015-07-28 19:47 GMT+08:00 Daniel Naber
Would you like to write a rule for that? You could start with or The part-of-speech tag for numbers is CD.
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The server is running again.
I have tried writing rules for the above cases. As it turned out, this is a non-trivial task: There are many cases in which a simple "subject-predicate" comparison is not enough:
Here is what I tried:
<rule id="CARDINAL_NUMBER_SINGULAR" name="cardinal number followed by singular noun (e.g., 'three apple')" type="grammar">
<token postag="CD"/>
<token regexp='yes'>plus|minus|per|foot|inch</token>
<token postag="CD"><exception regexp='yes'>one|1|[0-9]+</exception></token>
<token postag="JJ[RS]?" postag_regexp='yes' min='0' max='1'/>
<token postag="NN(:UN)?" postag_regexp="yes"><exception postag_regexp='yes' postag='JJ|CD|NNP?S'/></token>
<message>Did you mean <suggestion><match no="3" postag="NNS"/></suggestion>?</message>
<example correction=''>He ate three <marker>apple</marker>.</example>
<example correction=''>Look at these four beautiful <marker>painting</marker>.</example>
<example correction=''>Ten <marker>year</marker> is a long time to wait.</example>
<example correction=''>Eating more than two chocolate <marker>doughnut</marker> is not healthy.</example>
<example>Five plus three is eight.</example>
<example>Five factorial equals 120.</example>
<example>It is six o'clock.</example>
<example>It's six ten.</example>
<example>It's five to four.</example>
<example>A table five foot by three foot by two foot six high.</example>
<example>He holds forty per cent of the stocks.</example>
<example>Three hundred and twenty-nine</example>
<example>Fifteen square meters of carpet.</example>
<example>In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue.</example>
<rule id="PLURAL_SINGULAR_VERB" name="Agreement error: Noun (plural) followed by verb (3rd ps. sing. present)">
<token postag="NNP?S" postag_regexp="yes"><exception scope="previous" postag="CD"/><exception postag_regexp='yes' postag='NNP|NN:UN'/></token>
<token postag="VBZ" postag_regexp="yes"><exception postag_regexp='yes' postag='NNS'/></token>
<message>Did you mean <suggestion><match no="1"/> <match no="2" postag="VBP"/></suggestion>?</message>
<example correction=''>The <marker>apples is</marker> red.</example>
<example correction=''>The <marker>women is</marker> demonstrating for their rights.</example>
<example correction=''>The <marker>policemen sees</marker> the thief.</example>
<example>Peter and Mary were walking down the street.</example>
<example>Ten years is a long time to wait.</example>
<example>Five dollars is much money.</example>
<example>The number of skilled workers is increasing.</example>
<example>Each of your children is safe.</example>
"Five dollars is much money." should be "Five dollars is a lot of money."
@opensourcegrrrl Thank you! I have corrected the above example. (If I remember correctly, I have copied this sentence from my copy of the "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.")
"Three apple are enough. Three apples is enough. It said there is no problem found for the two sentence."
No problem is found....