lapce / lapdev

Self-Hosted Remote Dev Environment
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Support for Gitea / other Git forges? #5

Open juliettebee opened 3 months ago

juliettebee commented 3 months ago

I’m interested in using lapdev however, I’ve migrated my current projects off of Github and Gitlab. I want to use this project, however, I can’t due to the required Github/Gitlab sources of repos. Would it be possible for other forges to be used to prevent lockin?

lyang2821 commented 3 months ago

Gitea has Oauth2 support so it should be trivial to add.

Before we add Gitea support, you can still add a public repo from Gitea (just realised you'll need to log in via Gitea first so that's not possible)

elwynelwyn commented 2 months ago

+1, adding OneDev into the list!

Be great to support auth via SSH or something, so any generic git provider could be connected